Freakazoid / Eek the Cat

All of the psychiatric medicines that Kerry and Cary mentioned during their chess game are modern technology too.

Still catching up on the season, so glad AVC's GV is still doing writeups, but watched tonight, and

The catatonic gentleman was also present in the first group therapy.

Well now the pillow humping makes more sense.

Kerry/Cary are seemingly the embodiement of yin and yang, and Syd herself gave the explanation that she proves the existence of the elusive soul, in that when she switches bodies (what about other animals, I wonder) she remains the same. Not sure where to go from there though.

Who even knows anymore with the way they're writing the show. But if that is the case, which I too was wondering if Grodd thinks that fast, then it's even funnier because Barry is that inept and short sighted. Or because they never bothered actually strategising- because they need those precious moments to hit the

Everyone deserves more Hugo Weaving (especially his native accent), he's just that awesome.

His American accent is just too nasal to take him seriously though.

Really? The guy's so incompetent for falling for Norman's obvious manipulations he's an insult to the profession (the written role not the actor). Having worked with great psychiatrists, every scene is painful to watch in it's ineptitude.

Thanks for the reply.

Morgan even said it himself and the reviewer completely missed why Benjamin's death got to him, cracked the fragile mask he put on- the kid reminded him of his departed Duane.

As soon as he he called the pos that looks like a greasy rat, a rat-faced prick, he was gone.
(Thank Glob it wasn't Jerry!)

Is it explained in the books? (Not a book reader, yet.)

As a fan of Snipes, I never even heard about The Fan until grad school where it was the go to movie to demonstrate stalking and the toxicity of hypermasculinity in western culture.

This is actually pretty awesome. I'd much prefer a series like this about a movie than yet another unwanted uninspired remake or reboot of a well-known and liked movie (Robocop and Ghostbusters come to mind). Actually watching the film now again, and Davis is amazing! Wow did they have a way of scoring a picture, the

Maybe don't chuck your shit into the Speed Force like it's a convenient garbage disposal you cocknobs.

"I don't know why you keep plugging that shitty sugar water. Word is since Al died, the board isn't paying the bills anymore. "

I don't know why I confuse the two women, maybe it's the eyebrows, but they just look so similar to me. Not familiar with either's work. Just saw WEHtBJ finally on TCM this wkend, and I still confuse the two women, weird. Found it funny that one of BD's poorly delivered lines was about the "fat sister" with skinny

Thank you Flash, I needed that. Can't remember the last time I laughed that hard.
All that set up and Barry ran right into Grodd's shield!!

Only if you actually watched the keypad display, even Barry entered 0 as a first digit, thus cocking up your "smart" writers.