Freakazoid / Eek the Cat

No, you really aren't. You're saying more about yourself than some character on a tv show. Ugh i fed the troll, self dowwnvote.

No, just the usual WoT cockup. Kneel before Grodd.

How? Deliberately. That much was at the very least, obvious. Hate your given name, change it! Adopt coded language to communicate ingroup, something Rick's group has been too stupid to ever consider given the number of times they're separated.

She's a brunette, simple bleach is the hair product you're boggled by for Jadis' "bitchin' dye job".
Leave piles of mulch or garbage alone long enough and you've got onions, potatoes, squash and whatever other seeds are present… dandelions and other "weeds" are edible, so yeah enough to plausibly scavenge in a never

Well the Scavengers never did find that conveniently stocked sorghum truck that Rick drove into a river because getting Jesus was more important than the supplies, so apparently plenty to scavenge in an area whose size is never specified, and with patience to match. We take, we don't bother, and apparently have plenty

Truly, an iconic character.

Also known as Taming of the Shrew whose problems only begin with the title.


I'll see your Wellington's harrumph of "Women!" In regards to Victoria, and raise you Mrs. Pattmore's far superior exasperation of "MEN!" re Mr. Carson.

Just a graze?! Wasn't Carol shot point blank at least twice?
Loving Xander Berkley's overt insults- Ricky, Margaret, set up a platoon of sorghum farmers, let me stop you before you break into song, cannon fodder… I want to thank all of you for not being here today, and not having this meeting with me, or being seen on

Going to keep watching APB, since nothing much else on too, to see if Fusco! (without his accent) becomes a running gag by popping up once an episode to give back a box of Justin Kirk's expensive yet non lethal devices with a note— that i can't tell if it's supposed to be taken seriously or is some oblivious and

Oy indeed! More a hull haul than a keel haul, tis the barnacles that get you. I'd actually only seen half the episode when i read your comment, so there i was thinking Jack and Ann were next!
So Stevenson gets Dexter'd by Prince bloody Valium! But the exchange between Rackham and Teach was one last great moment. I

Oh Albert! You've got the thick floppy hair, all you had to do was pound your head on the keys to finally give us a proper homage to Richard Hunt's Don Music.
Still wish they'd explain more about how the Prime Minister and system of government works for those of us unfamiliar with the machinations of British

For Aunt Ada!

Tart cherries have the most melatonin, also walnuts, red grapes, piña, bananas, oranges, tomatoes, oats, then direct exposure to sunlight upon waking and avoiding white and blue light a couple hours before planning on sleep.
Seems with my R.E.M. Sleep Disorder and narcolepsy w/o cataplexy I guess I wouldn't be preyed

Not voices, a countdown.

Nope, have to wait two weeks. They're actually rerunning this shit again next week. I guess saving their loved one from Gorilla City isn't deemed appropriate for the holiday, whereas yet again saving the girl who can't die, ugh, from the man who should be perpetually naked but isn't, is.

The husband had every right to be mad at his wife's obsession with posting private stuff online, but what an asshole when he didn't think she saw what she saw and at least try to understand but instead immediately went to the bullshit 'you're crazy' denial and dismissal. You'd think by now at least Nick or Hank could

Ecstatic in these miserating times. I really hope his double continues to make intermittent appearances, the guy's a natural comedian.

All four end up being great chase movies too! Still never found out about those damned three seashells. Be well