Freakazoid / Eek the Cat

What yucky porn gore? The fully clothed Ellisef was killed off screen with a quick thwack to her back with some blood splatter sprayed on Harald. Are there different versions of the show out there? If so I'm doubly pissed at this show's demise in story.

Road to Perdition also has a beautiful, emotionally haunting original score by Thomas Newman, that makes the film as great as it is. Do not skip the credits.

1) Just look at the direct contrast of posing as/ being mistaken for someone else to his experience with AcidCat, he was miserable and dehumanised (even if he wasn't aware of the concept) as the silent replacement: "They don't love me, they love AcidCat. These cheers are fake. They hit my ears like boxing gloves of

There's never enough Franka Potente, I've loved her in everything I've seen her in and missed her since Copper was cancelled in which she had a similar role. I too hope they don't underutilise her and keep her involved through season 2.

Two or three more fucks than the first episode and Fx shows shows plenty of "boobs" just no nipples.

So just not bothering with 1st episode, eh?Don't understand the complaints, I'm all in with Delaney, cinematically stunning, motivations were clearly established. Assembling his league of the damned, solving dad's murder…Boring? Certainly not. This sure as shite is no Bastard Executioner.
Such a brilliant use of

Too bloody right I'm in this for Rufus Sewell.

Rey either forgot or never learned one of the basic rules about firearms, never hold your weapon within reach of your enemy- consequences. Too bloody right that was an awesome scene for Chewie.

Moriarty as Jigsaw's puppet was insufferable.

Profoundly and realistically impaired meaning useless to the show.

I was wondering if anyone would mention her in PoI as I forgot to. Remember she was also Constance Heck in Fargo season 2 who also had an unfortunate encounter. Such high profile shows for the deserving actor, I'm glad she's back.

Good Glob yes! Not exactly weirded out knowing that they're contacts in such a dark eyed woman, but damn they are distracting-watching it now. Still obvious despite post production tweaks, this (watching the show) is going to be fun!

At the the time that's certainly what a white dress meant, but now the bloated wedding industry can cater to all of the fiscal spectrum depending on their preferences.

Ah yes, Queen Victoria, who in 1840 inadvertently started the white wedding dress trend and attempts to match the pageantry of her ceremony that are many modern weddings. Though don't blame her for the vulgar assumptions others make about the bride's fertility/purity status because of the colour, that's on everyone

I'm upset that Trubel got very little to do before being kicked off again, and pretty sure those tears were genuine or at the very least had to be easy for her this time, most unfortunately. Plus I've actually liked Eve since she showed up despite her stunted flaws, and always and do prefer Eve/ Julivette to Nick the

Really? D'oh, can't believe I missed that, time for a rewatch. Thanks for pointing that out too, which is kinda funny for his character, for me anyway since it actually took me awhile to get over Wu being a sadistic baddie on Prison Break to being genuinely awesome Wu on Grimm.

Thanks for clearing that up, I'll keep an eye out for it-well not out of it's socket.

We're getting more Last Kingdom? Beauty.

Yay! for more Spotless, I'll miss Victor, the sick bastard.

That was a hilariously intense fight scene that topped World's End IMO for absurdity that was nearly immediately ruined as soon as he stepped outside. I do know that I'd like to see every great actor be a badass at least once if they're able, which is why I have such a fondness for RED 2. Helen Mirren as a deadly