Freakazoid / Eek the Cat

Chickens. (In honour of Siobhan, OB)

Chickens. (In honour of Siobhan, OB)

So you adapt it to the story, just like the women did for Wynonna Earp. Not too difficult for a 'self proclaimed feminist' to do. Make it a bloody tumour, who cares.

Sure as shite won't miss thefrequent mocking of suicide here.

Tweekers are never good to watch, but the trees are gorgeous.

"I'm waiting for someone." Talk about a delayed reaction. I'm totally with you there, Judy. Though don't think she screamed nearly long enough for what happened to her. Surprised at how angry i was in reaction to her being silenced so quickly. And only three to go, its not enough. I'm not ready for it to end.

I totally get it Mr. Jones. So, Rabbit of Seville is flawless then? Beauty.

Why? A little clothes on behind the desk prostitutes fantasy is nothing.
Tv has never had much problem depicting assault and graphic rape of women and children, there are entire series focused on just that. Or is it because to see men is so rare?

Hoover was in charge of the pros, Featherstone was in charge of B.r.a.d., the Battle-Ready Remote-Operational Aerial Drone. Since Starr rejected Featherstone's offer, maybe they assumed he meant men, the date could've just been for appearances.
(Denis, Seamus is Irish for James)

Simple, No means no.

Too late, Benioff and Weiss already ruined it last week.

2007- Twenty fucking three! Was it just me or was that ugly face poster everywhere then.

I thought their rectus abdominus' were air brushed on.

It's been a while since I've seen it, but all I remember about seeing War the 1st time is how it flatly followed the two guys and had barely any fight scenes, mostly near the end. Too many repetetive flashbacks. Such a waste of Statham and Li talents. Very disappointed. Unless there's a director's unrated cut I missed

You lucky bastard. Never had the opportunity to see them.

Indiana Jones type adventures replete with Uncle Scrooge's rivals and enemies (the original). Plus an awesome Capcom videogame, yes it was awesome when I played it with my little siblings.

Funny you should respond. The second episode was about a catholic family upset their son is engaged to an atheist, with a biblical tale at that. If you ever bother to watch it, I'd be very curious about your reaction. Stockard Channing is the mom.

They aired two episodes last week, didn't care for it. Found it not at all funny and just cringe humour throughout with a final, weak punchline. Don't find the material worthy of the great performers involved so far. (People of Earth is great though, if you haven't seen it yet.)

How does she have the brain of a child? She's the bioengineered superbeing saviour of the galaxy, the titular Fifth Element, who teams up with an ex gov. agent who fights off alien pirates/ terrorists and consumes the entirety of human history and determines due to it's own self destruction it's just not worth saving.

I stil have yet to watch the entire thing. (never liked Leo)