Freakazoid / Eek the Cat

Yeah, but just because there are peaceful aliens still doesn't rule out the existence of dangerous alien threats toEarth, that's just silly.

I don't even remember the last crossover event.

Ah, hahaha, you got me there, thanks for the connection I didn't even consider, Mick is a witty guy. Stupid me, underestimating his awesomeness, one of his stealth superpowers .

Well that was somewhat disappointing, most of them walking into an obvious trap set by aliens, (what even semi informed person would believe aliens would ever come to Earth in peace boggles my mind, yet Wally verbalised that old trope as soon as aliens were mentioned) to be easily mind controlled by superior beings.

Yeah, don't usually watch Supergirl since Cat left, but CW already ruined the obvious breaches by Barry and Cisco to actually showing up in the last 20 seconds with all their promos for the crossover, despite their inaccurate episode info. Can't stand grunting Gordo so focusing on him ruins Gotham for me, especially

Worst episode of a great series so far, despite Yvonne and her sister. Poor, awesome Latin jazz funk keyboardist Doug got stuck hanging out with the most annoying character all night. Poor Gina, she tried but family is tough. Richard is the cooler one compared to his brother. Nothing from Gerry's confession, it's as

Worst night of TV yet. Worst Gotham ever, brief MH rhyming and Penguin saying he loved sewers in Nygma's mini stabbing fantasy didn't make it worth the rest of that garbage. Worst Lucifer yet, worst PoE yet. Then the Science channel Mars special about E. Musk's plan to colonise Mars was fracked for sound. Oh well…Time

It's Tara, she's always been a bit awkward, I'll take her character with an actual personality, who's used the finger before, over annoying flat Maggie who just to reacts to certain people because the script says so anyday. So Ezekiel and his jovial cohort must've really been jarring a while back.

They already had that sign up, forget what the first part said, when Negan showed up early, didn't seem to bother them then, why now. Moron Rick didn't even think to hide their guns or food or medicine or convenient inventory lists either.

This group showed us that they, unlike moron Rick and Alexandria, were smarter and anticipated something bad would happen with N and his to at least hide their arsenal, and then when devasted by his lies to run away to a place with a (as of yet) reliable food source.
I'd also argue GoT failed the kingdom of Dorne.

Morbid curiousity.

Funny, or maybe not, you mention no ending in sight. The creator, whatever his name is, was recently on NDGT's Startalk and pretty much said the same thing, 'there's no end to the story yet', and not surprisingly didn't have much else to offer during his interview despite the rather rich subject of survival during a

To your second point, just like in the movies, good and controlled PR by a well known journo and the potential for more money for the greedy corporation(s?) involved explains why the park is still running after the initial glitch or whatever in host(s) caused the critical incident when just Arnold and/or nearly

The only problem with your statement is that god created Satan to take the blame off himself.

Do they? They've only bothered showing a few storylines so far. Guests and MiB were part of the loops shown at the Abernathy Ranch. Just blame Sizemore for the waste, are they still hemorrhaging money? Plus, I doubt Charlotte schlepped out to the middle of nowhere in those ugly, impractical shoes to interrupt MiB's

Whoever said Gods or God are good? It's illogical and cognitively dissonant to think so.

Because the hosts memories are supposedly erased, and like the one time they actually showed what the techs do in the overwatch room with the explosive use, it'd be filled if a guest ever requested to rob the saloon/brothel, a black hat option to make money according to the website.

Or the strings and servos of the original hosts exposed by Logan slicing up Dolores and Billy losing it after being cut loose.

Thank you Maeve and Ford for saving the episode from annoying Bernard, sorry Arnold.
"The human mind is not some golden benchmark, glimmering on some green and distant hill. No, it is a foul, pestilent corruption. But you were supposed to be better than that, Bernard, purer…But you too fell into that all too human