Freakazoid / Eek the Cat

Not compared to the original, gorgeous Clementine.

Thanks, no thanks for the unexpected kick in the teeth. (Should have expected it from the WoT crowd though, but damn you're cold.) The AV club

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Actually, an older man or woman as Lacie Pound would have been much more interesting to watch than this, I lost the only empathy I may have had for her after she told the ride sharing genuines off, what a twat. One would think someone trying so hard could realise just how annoying her fake laugh was in the cab. Ended

They certainly dropped the flies right away, and bothering with any other guests besides MiB, Logan, and William.

Yes, but more like children with language and a personality, they even showed a glimpse of it when desperate for humanoid contact Felix gave Maeve a conveniently unimpeded tour of departments in The Adversary, two episodes ago, about 20 minutes in, besides the brief memory flash of D this ep. Science channel recently

It's already been established Ford knows the game with Delos-who want his work and him out- and has done this type of manipulation before, hence the coverup. Charlotte accepting her employee's blood sacrifice speaks to her not caring enough to do an independent investigation.

Told at the funeral last year, only after initially believing his wife's death was a tragic accident of taking the wrong pills-hence my comment. Did you miss that part? Fits into the theme of perspective and perception framing experience and memories as to identity of oneself. His wife experienced sheer terror,

At least this time we learned whenever this takes place, medicine can't be all that advanced if people are still using medication that others believe can be unintentionally overdosed on. Or will nontoxic drugs always be a pipedream of the future?
Disappointed, actually I groaned, by Clementine's replacement. yeah I

If William is the MiB when did he get those two distinctive facial marks or moles or whatever they are removed, when they didn't appear to bother him before? Must've been during his rhinoplasty.
And Delos clearly doesn't care about any of it's employees to simply rely on Ford's team of medics to fake and report post

Only a scene between Charlotte's show don't tell advice to Liam to Maeve narrating and directing the Mayhem scene to Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake.

Yeah, he was wasted on Westworld as Rebus. Hell, even Dave Chappelle was a better, more intimidating Negan than Negan is.

Was going to comment on the use of the ominous Finlandia by Sibelius, but then that horribly heinous edit to the end happened so people would probably recognise it from Die Hard 2 and other movies.

Yet another reason kittens/cats are awesome.

Ma Arm. My style!

However grueling last seasons episodes were due to those who shan't be named, Miller's Snart was always a joy to watch.

At least they didn't forget Murphy's psychic connection with the infected including his daughter, and given Lucy's sheltered and protected upbringing it makes sense he wouldn't be affected by her until now.

Oh, shit! Pa was right. Bagging little Lucy into excitement thus hysterics did age her more rapidly. Bye little Lucy, you were awesome.

Little Lucy was the VIP this episode. Even though it was obvious what would happen with the tazer, her annoying the Man was hilarious.
Still don't get the complaint about Doc in the abandoned asylum, he was a counselor pre-Z. How else was he supposed to act? That was a great episode.

Who ever said it was? As a scientist, one would favour function over form when developing body armour anyway.