Freakazoid / Eek the Cat

Laurel gave Sara the Canary outfit designed and made by Cisco, as unflattering as it is, though. Sentimental value alone means she might need help in giving it up when its too worn to be useful, or modifying it into something else while still honouring her sister's gift.

Totally agree with you about Wally, though going to hold on guessing about Cisco and Caitlyn at this point. Could both be good or both be bad, or just having an intense disagreement. Who knows at this point.

Yup, I hate it, too much white space.

It's as if people willfully ignore the credits flashed onscreen at the beginning of each episode.

Thanks for this, like stepping in a time machine you can't control.

Dammit Theresa, you held three designs yet only bothered to look at two before you shared with Bernard. You're lack of curiousity fit you walking into an obvious trap, What Door? and fulfilling the annoying trope of idiotically threatening the one in power while alone. Of course the monster is Delos, Ford is just

Anna Deavere Smith was great casting of course, as she was on Nurse Jackie, too bad her onscreen counterpart was not.

"I hate the 80s!" Smashes radio Ray just turned on with classic song, you know the one, about 'something you said'. Lots of fun, why not revisit the 80s. Too bad they couldn't find Mick some real blue jeans (hard to find now) instead of the fake whiskered and faded front jeans typical of today's style. 'So science

Last time in the West they spent a good chunk on Kendra meeting her lonely older self then worrying about her forced pairing with what's his face and juggling her supposed feelings for Ray. This time Jonah Hex apparently experiences a time aberration and needs help with Jeff Fahey's Turnbull. Sure, McDonough won't be

Don't get weird, okay. We're just going to wipe his mind, tell him he's special, and send him on his way like all the others. We'll rule them all soon, anyway.

The funniest part of Yvonne's and Gerry's investigation of the newly paved body shape in the road was the nearby years old large pothole left untouched. Poor Richard, laughing with him not at him, how soon before he learns he's more right than wrong.
Thoroughly enjoying this show.

I wondered if saving money was the reason they only bothered to show the aftermath of MiB saving Lawrence from the noose, then the firing squad, as well as Dolores taking out the guys to 'save' Willy in Pariah. Seemed obvious and lazy for such a hyped western.

Always found Maeve more interesting than bland only child who swatted a fly, brilliant casting with Thandie Newton in the more assertive role as Madame. As Felix and Sylvester, lowly repair techs, were the first to discover after being convincingly threatened due to her enhanced intellect, some one had already changed

Haha, Elsie finally discovered the changes to their prime directives, called it first episode, they can lie. Language is a self replicating virus, in humans and hosts. How often do they bother to even check every bots attributes, seemingly not at all as it took two techs being manipulated to do so. Why anyone would

Thank you

Nope, last we saw Dwight he had a crossbow in Darryl's face after punching bat boy. Spot on about Negan though, well stated. He follows the Greyjoy's motto, you earn what you take. Still can't remember how Dwight got burned. Ugh, looks like it'll be a while to get back to Ezekiel and Carol.

But Dwight said he was aiming for Darryl when he hit poor set up to die Denise. Totally forgot he got dick chomped by Eugene, but can't believe they spent a whole scene for a reminder.

How so?

Shocked so many were scared by little Robert's awesome bot reveal, which seemed a fancier version of the Gunslinger's face off. Maeve continues to be the best character and actor, glad Dolores was ignored, while we get to see how the behavioural programming is done on the tablet. How lucky she was to get assigned to

Indeed, but the nudity has to be a mind fuck for some of the employees even if they all live on site, Felix for one, in that their attitudes and feelings have to switch on and off with such lifelike creations.