Freakazoid / Eek the Cat

What justice system? There is no justice system in the USA, only a legal system. Justice has never been a guaranteed result of our perpetually antiquated legal system. To confuse the two as the same thing seems to be a major problem in societal expectations, especially when considering those responsible for creating

Well Pilot, they got rid of the Noid a while ago, but that'd be one fucked up reason for bringing him back. Sure money rules over all in America, but cross promotion with the debacle that was the OJ trial? No need for him to further ruin my teen years.

8 strikes

Nah, just stick him with hot pokers.

Care to elaborate on the weird?

Well that was a terrible way to set up the next episode. Sure, just double down on the insufferable Kendra love triangle, then waste even more time on relationship drama in repetitive backflashes. Per Degaton's silent sneer has had more menace than all of Savage's appearances combined, who always comes off as a

I still miss Up All Night.

Haha, Auslaug really thought they were exclusive? Enough that her son had to wake her up from her whimsy? Nice response, possession and obsession isn't love, her mistake with Ragnar and her sons, nevermind she's never been intriguing enough to care about. Did she not see him grinding on the women when Kattegat

What gore? It was too dark to see anything. D'Onofrio as Fisk isn't inherently intimidating to me apart from anyone else his size, and every word he utters comes across as physically painful for him. He's just like all the other big bosses who go violent when they kill someone with their bare hands.

I just felt incredibly sorry for that poor puppy.

What twist? It was obvious from the get go what was going to happen when the so called smart guy hired never really did what he was hired to do.

Just updated my starz to STARZ, and looks like Encore play is in there as the A-Team is still on my playlist. Looks like a lot of the westerns shows, movies and Burt Reynolds movies are there too. :-)

Eye Pie!
All: Ew.

So Ragnar went Swearengen at the end there. Just needs a proper box now.

Way to make the old age makeup super obvious so we knew that the Foy cream was really working. Always enjoy Patrick Fabian in his guest spots on various shows over the years, he played a wonderfully creepy maniac to Bree's well composed freak out during the melee. So much better than last week's episode.

Not looking forward to Eliza Dushku the last season, and cinemax has done itself no favours with me for showing major spoilers ie. deaths in its previews/commercials. Sure its the end and inevitable, but anyone who hasn't been spoiled is lucky.

Body armour dude! Invest in some body armour now!

Floki, the Seer's successor, a blind man who'll see the otherworld.

You mean him fingering Erlendur's ring like Quentin fingering a coin? Disagree, different reaction. The most annoying thing Bjorn's done yet, nothing Ragnaresque about it.

Yuuuuuneecorrrrnnn! Yuuuuunnneecorrrnnn!