Freakazoid / Eek the Cat

Don't see how anyone could top Alan Rickman's Rasputin.

If only they were younger, HBO cocksucking hoopleheaded- fuckwits, finish goddamn motherfucking DEADWOOD !!! I piss on your too fucking little way too cockfucking late fuckity horseshit promise of a so called movie!

Yes, really though. "Just the Venture Brothers"!? Who says live action is always superior to animated VOs, just look at all the better than grunting Bale/Nolan animated Batman movies. Yeah, i went there.

Not to mention Who's Harry Crumb? and Delirious.

Love the callback/association to Chip's jealousy and emotional turmoil, with learning about both his unrequited relationships and Fruit -nature's sweet yummy goodness; perpetually out of his reach due to his masochistic personality a.k.a. self-defeating attitude all the while pursuing his dreams. —On second thought, I

Now Affleck's taken the grunting growling so far I can't even understand a goddamn thing he says in the previews.

Exactly how I think of this day, Gratitude SP! I'll take all the help I can making another trip around the sun!

Cool, just found out I share a birthday with the great Akira Kurosawa. I'll just take this opportunity to do what I do every birthday and wish everyone
A Very Merry Unbirthday to You!! to All!!

Well that was dumb, and I mean Walking Dead levels of dumb, with all three-Daisy, Bobbi and Mack ignoring the General proper to set up both Amadeus and Cheeseburger to be captured. May wouldn't have taken her eye off the target that easily. Lance will definitely be missed, Bobbi too.
But damn if I didn't get misty eyed


Correct, Underground on CRACKLE but only the first 3 episodes for a limited time, just like they did with Outsiders. One of the hottest scenes I've seen this year ended the second (last week's) episode.

Eugene was alone, they're aware of the walled in safe space, probably split up and followed both loud groups-easy pickings followed by fuckupery to set up last two episodes.

7. Why TF would Carol ever team up with Morgan?! She can't even stand to look at him, let alone talk to him enough to run away together. They haven't 'talked' since that clusterfuck debacle during the horde walk through a few weeks or whatever back. Plus she shouldn't leave because Daryl will follow? He's got his own

Rule no.9, always bring a knife. Rule no.3 in a ZA, don't stop to argue in unsecure surroundings, especially if you're pumped after your first kill- looking at you two scavenger veterans for dropping your balls of attention. Rule no.24, when path is blocked from quick glance and known enemies are out and about,

Well those compound dwellers were nice enough to only aim at the upper half of the door to the armory last week to protect Glenn and companion from unnecessary injury and death.

Upsetting, but inevitable, about time Teach gets involved.
Really hoping EG gets hers soon, she was rather insufferable tonight.

Really need to seek out the unedited version if that's the case because during the actual blood eagle US version Nothing! was shown, just some cutting sounds and Ragnar standing over Jarl Borg. Disagree that violence hasn't been treated like its cool by Hirst at times because Rollo run over by a few horses awhile back

The Muppet Movie among others I can't recall at this time. Jim Henson has brought so much joy to my life with his and his colleagues' creations. Gone far too soon. So many brilliant songs: Gonzo's There's not a word yet, for old friends who just met…always elicits tears, usually the cleansing kind. The adventure, the

Great catch, I was wondering what happened with social services folllowing up with them. Has he even gotten a diagnosis yet? Need one to apply for disability, now that Romero's got him in the disability insurance would cover him at a discount, just like the woman at Pineview explained. Most insurance plans will

Okay, but then how else would they have portrayed Norman's psychosis and delusions progress from 'I have to protect you' (Norma and her poor to non existent boundaries and delusions re Norman never said-no you don't, you're the child I'm the parent- instead just lets him talk at her) to 'I don't trust you, I have to