Freakazoid / Eek the Cat

Burton batman universe connection with Paul Reubens returning as Poppa Cobblebot next week.
Pennyworth finally gets the message that Bruce doesn't respect him as a servant despite his sage advice and hospitalisation after Master B's big mouth ran trying to buy off everyone with money. Nygma goes full paranoid. Oswald

Paula seemed like good leadership with the comm codes and backup, but quickly devolved into arguing in front of the hostages and splitting up. Good eye, Carol. Rather fortuitous that the body dragged out had a rosary you were able to catch on your foot and sell your cover story, not to mention incompetent kidnappers

So Norman took off his shoe to hit mother with, only to be interrupted by the property owner who brilliantly takes him out. Love that the farmer still looked around to see if anyone else saw.
Didn't know boats had a self sinking function for easy corpse disposal. Poor Romero, after everything he's done he's only

"Ugging bumplies"
Poking smot

So Xander Berkley was playing the same guy he did in 12 Monkeys, just less mad scientist and more Big Jim Rennie bark with no bite. Moron.
You look pissed Ethan,
yeah, got a message from Negan,
he wants you dead duh, but yeah come in close like its a secret, stab/pew.

Rick decided to check out the barn bc good things can't happen when Rick's in charge, the fortuitously stocked hidden truck wasn't enough for him. He just had to risk going into a field towards the barn to check for more, then bang on roof, then back the truck right up to the lake without ever looking back. Cartoon

Whose to say they'd've let him get away with the truck? Like to think Carol would have the sense to secure the keys and not abandon the other vehicle and jinx the jackpot haul just like Rick did.

It's as if she doesn't even talk to her husband Glenn and has no idea of the relationship he's developed with her with a great deal of difficulty. Agree, Maggie's condescension to Enid seemingly because they're the same gender was quite annoying.

Damn you ABC. Such packed episodes that by the second hour I felt more drained and eager to get on with the story that, unfortunately, was more annoyed than delighted by the concussion musical sequence. Dvr was full so had to watch live. Really would have worked better as a fantasy sequence split by a week as the

I had no idea what happened to the LGM and was hoping they'd include their fate, ha, haHa. I'm silly. A more creative approach could have taken it all the way, accept the madness and split screen LGM's story montage/ clipshow with Mulder's road trip/checking his mobile/testing DNA/rioting/hospital hallways to pay some

You've got a while to wait then.
Congratulations to you and your wife!

And he's back. Wilkes willingly accepted the risk inherent in retrieving the zero matter as part of his job and expertise, not just to be a victim for Peggy to save or sacrifice. *Missed out during the first round of diversity discussion, just wanted to add.((Being a half breed myself {as i was called growing up, i

So no mention of the brutal fight scene with Mulder? The best part of this rough rough draft of an episode. Such a waste of and insult to the Lone Gunmen too, but I guess it was assumed McHale had the resources/connections they didn't to expose the alien conspiracy.
I didn't think it was possible, but Einstein was even

Sure there were elements of a good story in there somewhere, but this was a mess,yet…
Well of course alien tech or the aliens themselves will clean up the billions of rotting corpses, wasn't it their plan and the humans just carrying it out?. Environmentalist or not, 7 plus billion humans are destroying the planet

CONSTANTINE (over too soon) - gorgeous strings with staccato harpsichord over writhing, intermittently screaming flaming charred bodies in a pit of fire. Wil never tire of it.Still waiting for the series and soundtrack to be released!

Septimus Spratt aka Cassandra Jones! Odd that he wouldn't give notice, guess he assumed he would be sacked on their return according to blackmailing Denker. He's certainly had enough experience dealing with Denker, Countess Dowager, and the many deaths and divorces in his family.

Oh Moseley, they really shouldn't have thrown you in there without some pointers or rules of the school the first time. His insecurity overcame his intelligence as we are wont to do, a testament to the import of having a good friend like Baxter to share your genuine thoughts with. What a lovely turnaround and

Down vote for Dr. Lesbian, her name is Denise, she's earned it by now.
Explaining what pop is on the list to Daryl for a minute or two that also happens to establish another couple is "so long"? You seem to have allowed the show's own sense of time to affect your own. The soda in the machine turned out to be orange,

The jackpot truck someone fortuitously hid and never got back to was behind the door marked SORGHUM, which Eugene apparently never mentioned before (for WD plot device reasons to meet Jesus?) as a valuable resource to check out even if they thought it might be raided. Guessing it's the same reason Rick suddenly turned

Nope, I'll take a make out scene cut to post coital bliss over humping any day (just like Richonne), though don't see their pairing as natural but just another hand wave from the time jump. Though Rick really didn't deserve such a great end to his day after leaving the truck to get sunk and blaming Jesus. But it's