Freakazoid / Eek the Cat

Yes, apparently the reviewer is more enthralled with Martin to pay attention to his support staff. The Floppy Disk, all the staff surrounding the table looking at this new technology. Trying to modify the machine that plays the extra large floppy, distinct computer soundtrack as he's working. Definitely my favourite

Best opening titles:

Too many to pick just one

Nope, not this time. It was the assassin from the alternate dystopian future that Kiera stupidly let set off the signal device, 'If nothing happens then we know we set things right'. 'Okay guy who killed me and Betty who I'm now sleeping with.'

The show only developed the insurgent characters so we're stuck with them and Creepy teacher and Pam since Pope and the reckonings are done, honestly I just fast forward the Slimy Big Bill scenes and I don't seem to be missing much. Agreed on the preference for Abbies vs. Non abbies, which might have happened if the

Awww, I'm really going to miss those terrible paintings.

The uncanny valley.

Apparently international viewers are way more than domestic for Hannibal, I'm hatewatching the ridiculous WP along with Dome though.

Where's Patrick Stewart? All the promos have Patrick Stewart. Watching for Aasif Mandvi. He and his family were the only enjoyable part of this, all amazing actors there, the women in better positions and better respected than the women in DC. Don't care one jot for idiot barebacking while cheating on wife, dipshit

Not sure about the colouring, but being aberrations of a diurnal creature I'd assume diurnal unless they developed/grew tapetums for night vision. Also being the so-called greatest carnivore I'd assume a pack like mode of hunting and swarming the flying thing that food jumps out of, despite having guns that hurt and

Not sure about the colouring, but being human aberrations I'm not sure if hand lady mentioned vision but being diurnal creatures with cones I'd assume diurnal unless the abbies developed tapetums for night vision. Being the greatest carnivore I'd assume a pack like mode of hunting and swarming the flying thing that

Now that Helena has her bebies back she can stop crying herself to sleep and let her chafed red face heal. The pink blush over Helena's eyes this season has been annoying and insulting to the character of the troubled yet emotionally strong sestra clone.
Hope Siobhan gets some alone time with skeletal Franklin to

So David Pilcher foresaw a great flood 're the devolution of human-animals, meaning his experiments to tweak humans into some probable super soldier by genetic manipulation and possible animal gene splicing created the abberations (like anti-cancer vaccine fuck up in Doomsday, Will Smith movie) that became the

Dude! That's my ringtone and my alarm clock alarm : )

Oh fuck, they're going to ruin a great season by bringing back the worst character from last season, who historically helped stop the court witch hunts and killing citizens with his printed words. Please let him be one and done.
They showed Tituba eating Petrus' eyeballs when she collected them, unless I'm

Yeah, they need to do away with the 2 hours of family guy every night. At least they added Bob's Burgers.

Really? I always thought it was Mephistopheles.

Well stated, heata, my thoughts exactly, the absence of male rape is troubling and completely undermines the bullshit 'naturalism' argument.

Banana, wow, that was weird and not wholly enjoyable like the rest of the series. Frustration of language barrier with additional tragedy of refugee/asylum(?) status and confusion regarding Vanessa's role in cleaning crews (I run 40 groups but Jonjo's in charge, huh?). Actually that final musical number was rather

That was the loveliest twist on a stalker story ever. Or just the loveliest stalker story ever. Damn, a stalker story that doesn't end in tragedy. The power of connection. Scotty seethes with passion, no Henry vibe there, if anything she's Lance like. That Lullay song was beautiful. I really enjoy this program.