Freakazoid / Eek the Cat

Awesome, truly awesome. Tyrian schooling Dany via Aristotelian discourse, something she's desired from the start but only ever recently got a taste of from Ser Barristan. Tormund giving Bones two taps with his stick before returning the favour. Sorry Luv, you're much prettier than Jon Snow. Gather the elders, and

Exactly with the confusion 're Ethan. But then he only finished what his son finally had the sense to do, eliminate the immediate threat. And did he even kill him? Or was I imagining his shrieks as the blurry quadraped dragged Pope off?.

Wow, I just got how amazing Maester Brother Aemon Targaryen is in his leaving this mortal coil. Reminiscing about his little brothers laugh before political corruption ruined them all, with practical advice for Gillyflower and her son regarding the impending doom that Winter is coming.
"I dreamt I was old!" So


Worst episode yet or trying to be, certainly the most depressing and literally dark, and yeah people like to throw that term around for music and such, but truly a dehumanising and demoralizing episode of television if ever there was one, despite the great ending with Jorah and Tyrion. I flashed to the cousin who

Wow. STARZ only advertised incessantly for the months in between doing a Mad Men-esque broken up season that viewers would get a change of perspective with Jaime narrating whenever the show came back. A welcome break from Claire's annoying verbal excess. Could watch a whole episode without muting the sometimes but

Just realised we have to wait another week for Adebisi to get to Meereen and find a cock merchant. Not that they ever show cocks on GoT. The wussed out showing Theon's un"manning", just had to take their word for it his twig and berries are gone. Rant 're violence against excessively underdressed women and children

I'm very much enjoying it, though I am a couple episodes behind

Oh my Glob! The Storyteller! Not on HBOGO but YOUTUBE. Thank you Dan, awesome you are.

Why, just why? It's called binge eating and projectile vomiting.

Less female rapey, more male rapey, as it ought to be to balance out decades of retraumatising thousands upon thousands of XX's for so-called reasons.

El Rey network, who I love for introducing me to KEOMA (awesome soundtrack and Franco Nero), is celebrating John Carpenter's birthday Saturday with
Assault on Precinct13
The Fog
Escape from New York
They Live

Eat a dick city snot ("cows, ew"). She insults your home and cows and you have doubts? Well then fuck you too country gal poser. Independent farmers and ranchers are tough and incredibly hard working people, you know, country folk, a lot of my family. Really, eat a dick Hallmark from that description.

'…Allen, Lisa, Josh, Yana, Katie, Ramon. It's just stupid! Okay, so Ramon feels the phone is stupid. Could you elaborate Ramon? Stupid how? Please be as specific as possible Ramon…you took a good phone and made it all like shitty. Keep in mind I didn't design the phone. It pisses me off. I appreciate your honesty

I don't watch the show but that sounds pretty darn awesome. I can't understand straightening one's gorgeous locs.

On rewatch just a gorgeously filmed episode by Nestor Carbonell. The henchman henching Norma's car, to framing Caleb in the woods being watched by Chick and his boar jerky, the stunning after title walk in the water with Stanley, Bob's office meet…the mirrors.
Norma and Alex together, so amazing. There's a reason I

Canadian actor, also plays Ted the veterinarian on Schitt's Creek.

Cheers for the correction, I really think I have some sort of face blindness because they do look/sound the same. I've inadvertently gone and done what Don seemingly did regarding brunettes, but with blondes. Now I feel dumb for posting, yet glad I was wrong because a connection was made (as superficial as script on a

Nothing else like it on TV that I've seen, I'm enjoying the stories being told, despite the unlikable white man in the middle. Liking the use of zippers in the musical scoring.

Wow. A jaw dropping scene if ever there was one and with such a great delivery by Cleo in Cucumber. Completely believable story in its sheer horror, and a testament to the depravity and stupidity that the ease and mindlesnesss of modern social media inflicts on the naive, ill equipped children. Taking pics of their