Freakazoid / Eek the Cat

Wow, a chicken bone mistaken for a pork chop bone, what animals have you been eating? You can slice your hand open on the damn thing once all the gristle and pig flesh is gone, definitely dangerous weapon, if she wasn't drugged she could have killed quite a few on her way out.

In the states, watching on Logo, they don't replay the episodes more than once over the week like they did with the first episode, so if I miss the episode after Drag Race and my dvr refuses to tape the replay at midnight because it said so, then I miss out entirely. I missed the last Banana about the young women.

Bloody tinnitus, helpful to point out the zippers and the hand rustling undercovers.

Yeah, the battle scenes in GoT are rather subpar and the last melee before Ser Barristan's entrance was as clunky as on Rome, budget isn't everything. That said, the CW unfortunately follows the same cuisinart style of filming fight scenes as AoS and the Marvel movies, jerking the camera around to "follow" the action

Definitely a new title, that cast was quite an amazing ensemble, and of all the kids on tv, Kevin was one of the best. Unfortunately, anyone who hasn't seen My Fair Lady really missed out on this modern nuanced reimagining.

Uh, me. Weekends are all about catching wacky shite on the telly. Have to turn off the mind-brain once in a while.
Missed the first two seasons, I only started watching this season because of Michael Ealey (loved him in AH & in SC), was actually taken aback they actually seem to focus on the bad guys and make the feds


Don't watch a lot of Simpsons, but I was thinking of the aquarium fiasco and the time Joker jacked the garbage barge with Captain Clown (with awesome music) to dispense his mind control juice fumes in Gotham harbor (You killed Captain Clown %( and dumped Bats in a metal drum punched with a few air holes.

Don't watch a lot of Simpsons, but I'm thinking of the sea outside Gotham by the aquarium and where Joker jacked the garbage barge with Captain Clown (and his awesome music), CAPTAIN CLOWN!!! and where Bats was dropped in a metal drum punched with a few air holes.

Fish went out the way Joker did in B:TAS , shot and over the wall into the water. Fish took out Maroni too late, thought she'd pop him on that last babe. Selena uglified her hair. Penguin saved himself, funniest moment. Barbara got creepy fast and yet Leslie stuck around. I actually like this Barbara, shocked she's

It isn't the same on a puny screen. And Battles BC, Ancients Behaving Badly, Life After People, Seven Deadly Sins, Clash of the Gods, Cities of the Underworld, and Mega Disasters…

Good to know, you seem to know this stuff well, gratitude for the info. So, Brienne and Catelyn swore to each other by the old Gods AND the New. RiverRun and the Erye, do they have their own Gods too or is everyone picking and choosing based on ideology or tradition or geography? Is Merren (sp) and Bravos in the East

Best Episode Yet (minus shitty KL brothel scene) and no mention of Brienne and Pod origin stories by the fire.
More/Qyburn still working on the clunky Mountain spazzing out clunkily on a slab.
Wolsey back as the High Sparrow finally getting Cersei out of the castle away from mean girl Anne Boleyn.
Arya being broken

Well, I like that they finally showed a natural death, dude was old, but that amusement was squashed by Bash's slimy murder of Clarrisa—should
have just stabbed her and saved the poison for his new piece outside the castle. Kenna truly is too good for Bash, here's to his next stabbing, hopefully Claude will be

Finally caught up for the finale, and all I could think was where were the air holes? Ragnar would have suffocated long before his obvious reveal, thanks for ruining it with the Seer's voice-overs Hirst, though I did entertain the idea that they'd use plague corpses to take the city (but I probably have that confused

I'll take Fish Mooney's adventures on body parts island over evil Peter Petrelli's domestic violence equals love cliched serial killer rejected story from CRIMINAL MINDS any day. The flashbacks are bad enough, even worse they're giving the worst bad guy yet (a non-tweaker version of his GAMER character) a multi

Just imagine Everyone's furiously typing away right now.
God damn, the strumming guitar, a hint of harmonica, and Art is in.

They said it, they really said it, Boyd's last line, "We dug coal together." I said it as soon as Raylan sat down. Tee Hee. Music was brilliant tonight.


The dog, it was that god damn dog. Didn't register on first viewing, hit me like a boot to the head *thwack* the second time.