Freakazoid / Eek the Cat

I knew there was something I didn't like about Cole, now we're told guy gets drunk before each "mission", mucking up Jones' calculations for the splinter . Yeah, he takes his role real seriously. Then the containment fail safe is explicitly explained as a simultaneous event, yet works with a delay to protect the main

Just going to throw these out into the ether:

Do you not own a knife block set? They can come with anywhere from 10-37 knives, a pair of shears, even the blade 'sharpener' went into the wall. Fight was too brief, can't believe Nick saw that carnage and asked if she shot Ad. Nice summation of Monrosalee's spat.

Great review Libby, especially your stray observations. Only a matter of time before raging sherrif blew his top, Frank had it coming for abandoning his sick child for a poke in the annoying one.

Don't care one jot not one tittle about the angry dad and Spanish waitress what gets around, they disrupt the flow with their annoying couplings. Beautiful setting, so many people to keep track of. The mammoth reminds me of The Thaw, where secrets kill.

Didn't realise this was being covered. Too many shows to watch live on Thursdays and Fridays.Glad they replay it during the week.
Thoroughly enjoy Tucci's DCI bringing decency and professional standards to the inexperienced LEO's. Hope he acquires a more suitable coat as the funny one he wears telegraph s bad things

I was unaware as I'm not familiar with hip-hop lingo and the like, and now I know…and knowing is half the battle.

Backstrom's been great since the beginning. It belongs on TNT. yet another show too good for Fox.

Schitts Creek was shit. Who cast Chris Elliot with a pillow down his shirt to be a main character? Canadians are better than this, it's like a live action Family Guy without Stewie, Brian, Joe, and Quagmire…ugh never mind.

Apparently Tanaka means in the middle of a rice paddy, so set up for dull dick jokes (why wasn't it's head blurred too?). . Was wondering how they'd follow up the last great episode and they back pedaled like that horrible Hitler joke that went too long.
I guess it was a 'be careful what you wish for' joke that

Kai was disowned and kicked out of his community for defending his family by fighting off some gang and stabbing at least one of them. He was 15 or 16 IIRC so he has a well established history of violence. Not to mention him taking on the Kinaho last season with their own bat.

No Les, not even close to the best episode. The pilot, Homecoming, A Fixer of Sorts, A Mixture of Madness, Bloodlines… all better than this. Two boring episodes in a row, at least no Deva or Gordo.
Job's gone and gunfights are boring when one has experienced what this show is capable of with confrontations sans

Catherine/Follows has NEVER been the most annoying part of this show.

Light the pyre!! Who knew others share my post mortem plan.

Where Wick has to dispatch the sadistic bastards who desecrated his beloved canine's grave and all others involved. (I have yet to see this since it never came to my pisswater town. Love me some ultra violent action.)

The worst sequence of the show remains to be the insipid Hitler party. So glad it's gotten better and excited to see where this crazy show goes. I won't repeat what other commenters have already eloquently stated about the episode and show overall. Loved the stalling activities, especially that awesome bunny puzzle.

I'd argue Mundo isn't (Dewey) dumb, he suffered TBI from his military service, and since we didn't meet him prior, I'd like to think his executive functions have been damaged, yet his earnestness and focus remains. Of course realistically as our veterans are mistreated or ineffectively treated upon their return to

Not just kill but eat .


I also weep for the future, and for the future generations who will be turned off from seeing the original in lieu of a sleeker unnecessary pc update. Mind this isn't a musical so who knows how they'll manage that poignancy without it.