Freakazoid / Eek the Cat

So no more love for the Mythbusters now that the build team has moved on? (were they really fired? if so I was unaware and will cease accordingly , just some kind soul/entity let me know. That blows chunks -(because sucking is good.)) The A-Team episode was just an excuse to blow stuff up but they got to use the

Mock Black Sails all you want but by Neptune's Trident last week's premier was well worth the slow setup that was season one. Couldn't stand Flint one iota, especially killing you know who, and Silver always seemed miscast, however the two teaming up was so unexpectedly exciting one hopes the season continues on that

Thanks for the heads up, as disappointing as it is. Programming may have changed but the schedule didn't, so I missed Deadman Wonderland. Don't see Kill listed in the future but I'll keep an eye out. I will miss Samurai Jack, a brilliant creation with one of the worst theme songs.

Hot Damn! Everyone (except for Leith) was on top of their game tonight, even Frances was tolerable. Amazing episode. Catherine is so gorgeous when she's happy, and I quite like the idea that her detour into fantasy was her coping mechanism for her guilt and loneliness. It pays to have a vivid imagination and her

And Farscape.

Yeah, it's just too bad the two brothers couldn't stop fighting over the camera during the action scenes so you can actually tell what's going on. What's wrong with a mid-point info dump?

Sesame Street is not the great show it once was, a 20 minute cartoon about a fairy school in a 44 minute program is only one of its myriad faults. Completely boggled by TMNT and not Adventure Time as Outstanding Children program nominee.

Nice imagery there Reign, cutting down a corpse then directly to naked Kenna talking about her jealously for her husband's relationship with his pretty sister. Foreshadowing??

No reason why he can't, he just chooses not to. Stealth is a concern when chasing entities from Purgatory, as is utilising weapons designed to purge specific evils and modern guns ain't magically enhanced. The most obvious reason is he bests Abby in nearly everything intellectually and physically so giving him a gun

Ezekiel is Australian. Jerry O'Connell had the atrocious English accent.

Which villain?

Amazing fight, they really did keep it even till the end. Too bad Nola did exactly what her brother did. Close to the Raid 2 action. Don't care for the victor but it was the only way the warrior could leave the mortal plane. Then all I could think was too bad Grimm beat you to the punch last week, though I prefer the

Could they be a contemporary Waldorf and Stattler?
'Why can't I hear anything?'
"Because you are sane."

No idea, I just loved his delivery.

Don't think anyone's mentioned it but can't believe they roped Phantom Limb into the meteor debate. Bloody brilliant discussion.

Awesome episode. Can't believe I didn't catch the brilliance the first time around. Don Hell referring to AA before taking a drink that was his demise. Because of course someone in AA is going to drink an adult beverage before the council.
Cat Pee? "Yeah, he gets kinda heavy don't he?" They were still hugging. Can't

"For a fit young woman she has a low pain threshold." Bit baffled Fish wasn't prepared inside for a confrontation. Nygma saved Gordon again. Nygma isn't a problem. The rock riffs over the cop montages are. Didn't appreciate Johnny Cash being used that way, this show isn't worthy.
So now Cobblepot is funny looking from

I love that movie and watch at least once a year. Yes Joel Grey as Chung is a huge problem, but the story and action is great. He got his name from a bed pan, just sets the tone for the whole movie. Not to mention Kate Mulgrew. Love the dogs scene, the fight on Lady Liberty is great—the lackeys approach is hilarious.

It could be their Halloween episode. I'm really enjoying their adventures. You have to be cringing with Matt Frewer's terrible accent, too bad he didn't consult with a dialect coach.

Yes. I too had it set to record and the one from last week I missed was scheduled after it, and they changed it to yet another movie sometime Friday afternoon. Confusing since they started season 2 of boys club with swords. Incredibly frustrating since I don't know where else to find Graham. They really hate