Super Nintendo Chalmers

Two scoops of dairy for him
One scoop for the rest of us

Now we wait for a statement from the Affliction family on the other 99% of Nazis who wear their shirts

A white snake is more like it

A million upvotes if I could!

Do we need tickets for that?

He knows there's a rich guy in it.

Don't forget the bust of Kid Rock- which is actually just a rotting jack o lantern, but its still "art"

The bottles still say Faygo but it's Ensure inside em now

I'm sensing a lot of sexual tension between Obi Wan and Owen here.

Where he graduated cumulus laude!

It can be etc.

You just wind up eating a lot more because the squares are slightly smaller than a triangle slice.
It's the same rationale that caused me to drink a couple dozen 7 oz Coronas in Mexico thinking I was only drinking 3 or 4 beers.

Outside of Eastern Missouri and Southern Illinois I've only seen STL style pizza in Scottsdale, Arizona. At a bar/restaurant that also served toasted race and broadcast all the Cards games. Obviously must have been owned by expats

Grilled babies need the most attention!

The Chris Christie Meatloaf Incident sounds like the worst prog rock band ever.

*Cool Obama gif*

Oh no! I killed Ape Wilson

He's either a complete glutton for punishment or extremely wealthy and only cares about tax cuts.

I thought it started OK, and got better around episode 3. Not as artful as Breaking Bad but still fun. And while they filmed it in Georgia they seemed to at least do their research on the area. Of course some of the locals were still pissed that it was actually a crime drama instead of a travelogue.
