Super Nintendo Chalmers

It's great because New York City itself is a character

Hey, some of us are too drunk to be one of those things.

Does your mom greet her friends with

Sure it's a lie but playin up to the rubes has kept him knee deep in monocles and brandy!

Quick, a bunch of libruls is gonna tear down the statue of our beloved Confederate hero Colonel Angus!

I'm surprised no one did the Lucille Ball one. It truly makes Bronze Fonz look like a masterpiece.

You and I both!

I guess I've been unaware of Wilco's hardcore right wing fan base. I've been following them since 95 and yes many of us are white and getting old but that doesn't mean we voted Trump.

Clark Kent could fit in a phone booth.

Actually he was cremated. He died boning his research assistant and his wife had him torched.

The skeletal remains of Nelson Rockefeller?

The funny thing about Hillary Clinton's career is she's always been more popular once she wasn't running for anything.
The 31% who still support Trump would be hating her now sure, but I think she'd actually have decent poll numbers—until she had to run for re-election.

There's a bar here my friends and I nicknamed the Regal Beagle 15 yrs ago. All dark reds and wood. A lot of the women drinking there look like Mrs. Roper too.

Just like the old gypsy woman—Billy Joel—said.

I'll add The Warsaw from The Drew Carey Show to my list of great sitcom bars.

I'm not sure. It just has that combination of busy and cozy at the same time. Cheers looked like a great bar, but was usually quiet except for the main characters—which worked for the show.

I have to admit McLaren's does seem like the perfect hang out bar. Probably the best I've seen in a sitcom. So I don't blame them for wanting to spend about 20% of their lives in that same booth

He also said he might pardon Joe Arpaio. So any bigots that might have been turned off by his 2 day late, 2 million dollar short response will be back on the Trump Train.

Few chain establishments, as they like to be on the interstate?

He's kind of a nut, Meg