Super Nintendo Chalmers

Good points.

"You're Doin a Heckuva Job"
The Brownie Story

Everybody getting down tonight provided by CHUNG

Actually I just read an article today in our local alternative paper about how Butch Patrick aka Eddie Munster is living in a small Missouri town and makes a decent living with appearances at horror conventions.

Eh, I don't know. I can watch the old episodes and still enjoy them as hangout comedy. Maybe it's because I wasn't that invested in who the mother actually was in the first place.

"How I Met Jerry Mathers"

It's not quite a mop and not quite a puppet

I'm hoping they go into rom com territory with "When Owen Met Beru"


Wait, so you're saying I could have gotten Ivanka to do it for free?!

No he was telling a story about something that happened a few years ago. He was drunk but not that drunk.

True. I assume the pants he shit were his own and he was wearing them at the time.

You don't. Have. To live with that frat boy pee

Coincidentally one of my Lyft passengers last night told a story that involved him shitting his pants at an Iron Maiden show

Yeah I like Squirrel Nut Zippers too. Sure they're a novelty act but so what?
The lead singer Jimbo Mathius used to play solo at a bar my friend managed in New Orleans. Nice guy, used to hang out and have beers after the show.

Should have taken the Backstreets

In the past decade I've seen Springsteen play 3 times. Total cost—$140. And that includes the solo show at a small theatre where tickets were 75 bucks. The other 2 shows with the E Street Band were 29 each, and the seats were good.

Eh, I didn't discover OK Computer until 1998, and most of those other "good" albums noted in this piece until years later. The exception is Notorious B.I.G. which I did spend many nights in late 97 listening to while playing poker with my roommates.

Yeah both Wichita Lineman and Gentle on My Mind are meant to be paired with corn fields in the summer.

Also a country singer recording an antiwar song is pretty noteworthy. Though Campbell didn't think of himself as a country artist per se.