Super Nintendo Chalmers

The How Did This Get Made podcast where they cover that movie is hilarious.
She also claims she needs to watch a war movie to calm down. Conveniently the explosions cause her to not notice bad guys blowing up her house.

I plan to watch it on a Sunday morning

*playfully strums broom on staircase*

He had to be good to himself

It takes a lot to drag him away from that.

Some might have seen it wondering—when will they get to the KISS concert?

I saw Detroit at a matinee yesterday and while it wasn't packed by any means it was a decent sized crowd.
I understand what you mean by the trailers. I knew what the movie was going to be about, but I'm an urban history nerd who has always been fascinated with the Motor City.

He's alright, but I've heard vedder

Nah 1997 is when Ellen DeGeneres came out. They do have similar hair though

let the chips fall where they may

He couldn't get a good dill

I watched all of "WHAS—10 Years Later" between Friday night, a little bit Saturday morning and this morning watched the last 3 episodes waiting on someone to come to my house who was an hour and a half late. It was super comfortable here weather wise (odd for early August) so drove out to the country to meet a couple

They also get them from blowhard douches with punchable faces (see Hannity, Sean)

No no, you see he already HAS money and is therefore the last person who would actually seek to profit from the taxpayer. Because we all know those who are filthy rich don't seek to increase that amount.

No dice!

In what?

And probably about 15% of the homes on Long Island have been "landscaped" by Billy Joel's car

It must be something to be home shopping in Los Angeles where about a third of the listings have some sort of pop culture significance.

Just say "AV Club"

Yeah but Johnny was a Californian. And you know how their votes need to be discarded because they aren't nearly as American as an angry unemployed Pennsylvania coal miner or Wisconsin milk person.