Super Nintendo Chalmers

"Total Recall 50"

*golf club swing*

*Cermak opens envelope*
"What Ivanka is really doing at the White House"

At the time I first saw that I remember thinking—wouldn't it be super tough to masturbate them *while* they were caged??

"Milo and O-face"

The worst of the Vacation movies.

1. Boogie Nights—with a bullet (or fake dick, whichever)
2. There Will Be Blood
3. Punch Drunk Love
4. Magnolia
5. Hard Eight
6. Inherent Vice
7. The Master (though to be honest I dozed through part of it as I watched it very hungover in a Nashville hotel room)

That would actually be an upgrade if he flung shit at those cheering at GOP rallies.

It's because whenever you explain to them that coal is a dying industry and we should provide training for careers that will be viable for decades to come a frightening amount of them think that is somehow looking down on them.

He he, bosom!

He played the same type in "Pirate Radio"—a little movie I thoroughly enjoyed

So if you see Bjork on your Tinders under location does it say she's 47 elfin skips away?

Local Milk People are good. But you gotta watch out for those Local Malk People

I only skimmed the article

I worked in the dairy industry for 9 yrs and never heard the term "milk people". However as the counties I used to travel in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania helped put that asshole in office I bet a lot of them are getting shirts with that printed on them as we speak. Sigh

But will it fit on a bumper sticker?

"Yeah, at least she didn't eat it but still gross"
Regarding an encounter my dog had with a baby bunny this morning.
RIP bunny

Remember when Obama windsurfed on his vacation?
Pretty sure Trump won't be doing that

Yeah, "looks like"

This past Sunday I watched roughly 18% of the Harry Potter series on Freeform between cleaning, working outside, etc