Super Nintendo Chalmers

No sir,They're saying Boo-rump!

This margarita sucks. Dump a Miller Lite in it!

I've often been to a tropical paradise and thought…needs more Sheboygan

Great Job Champ
That's short for Champion.

Is "died from having the world's tiniest dick" a thing?

Or exhume them

In reality most of us have jobs that take two or three sentences to explain what we do and by then whoever asked probably forgot the first part.

I do all my shopping at George Segal. No Kardashians but I may have seen a Susan St.James

Cole's Babies also refuse to melt in the sun.

The hopper is where I take my happy crappy!

No shit! How about we get rid of both caucuses AND superdelegates. Let's not pretend that Sanders was pure as the driven snow when it comes to this stuff. He knew winning caucuses where a fraction of voters turn up was his only chance at the nomination

Question: Would the other cities in NY that aren't NYC be as overlooked if they were in other states?
Would Utica, Rochester, and Syracuse shine if they were in Pennsylvania or New Hampshire?

More of an Albany thing

To accentuate his most prominent feature. His gunt

I don't get it

I'm sure a Mel Gibson Dictionary would include all sorts of words that should have been buried around 1921

Ugh. I'm glad I tuned that movie out as early as I did.

I heard they were looking at doing a party reality show here in Missouri at Lake of the Ozarks. Instead we got the Netflix show Ozark. Honestly I'd rather my state be known for hillbilly money launderers than low rent Midwestern Jersey Shore wanna be dbags.

It buggles me that MTV doesn't play videos anymore

Replacing Jane with Sara would be unforgivable