Super Nintendo Chalmers

They're not bad in my experience. You could do a lot worse if you are in an all chain area. For some reason growing up my family insisted on going to Bob Evans for the same kind of food. Which wasn't as good, nor as much fun. And somehow even more old people.

Are you sure it wasn't an…..Escort?

Remember when Obama had passing knowledge of certain rap artists who used bad language in their lyrics and O"Reilly said that reflected poorly on our President?
Good times

And whip cream!

That's just the set up for a sequel with the firefighters.

From the looks of em better see an MD

Being rich and Republican means never having to say you're sorry

I was kind of lame then and into Hootea and the Blowfish


A No pants, no Pence party?
Sign me up!

Pickle stay out of Starbucks! You should only be drinking Big Gulps to piss off libruls!

The coal mines—once Trump gets them up and going and repeals child labor laws.

They are best to leaf that business

Was anyone else reminded of The Lonely Island bit—"The Boss" after that tirade?

I'm giving up my avocado toast so you should see Super Nintendo Chalmers jousting with those two for top dog spot any day now.

Bezos did you put your head in the Ball-O Shine-O?


The best part was Pence realizing he showed up for nothing since there would be no tie to break.

Discman baby. They're coming back!

Now you made me think of Trump's pickle—damn you!