Super Nintendo Chalmers

Kids have to learn about Tek War somehow

Friends? You mean you two aren't knockin boots.
You ever do the horizontal mambo Chiggy?

I like the alternate ending where Sheriff Bell proclaims he's gonna haul ass to Lolapallooza.

Dad? Is that you?

I have prints of both Nighthawks and Early Sunday Morning framed. I've had them for years but now I'm thinking I'd like to have a couple if his other works as well. Possibly one of his Cape Cod pieces to contrast with the city life of the other two.

My mistake. I assume Stand By Me was also filmed in Vancouver, however as they changed the location of the movie to Oregon it worked.

What sticks with me is how little they even tried to make suburban LA look like Maine.

Did he ever say anything nice about Obama? Because that would hurt him with GOP voters more than anything.

Debbie Stabenow, the incumbent Senator since 2000, will be his Democratic opposition.

Interesting he mentions Democrats "shattin their pantaloons" considering it's his fellow Michigan Republican Ted Nugent who did just that to keep from getting drafted into the military.

That's not the Trivago guy?

Or maybe a science fiction double feature

Oh yeah!

Yeah the ones I've come across were either clueless college kids or stupid old hippies who should know better.

Even Richard Shelby, a Republican Senator from ALABAMA—thinks this is wrong and that anyone Who is qualified should serve.

In smaller to medium size states governors and former governors run for Senate as a step up but in big states governor seems to be the bigger prize.

Those were just Kissinger's glasses he found in the toilet

I can't play the guitar. How do you think they'd feel about me bringing my own organ to play in the store?

Don't miss your golden opportunity

He does it to feel Big