Super Nintendo Chalmers

I've watched that movie almost every fall since I was 14 when my HS psych teacher made us watch it in class. He went to I.U.

I can now!

Out for Justice?
More like Out of Breath, amirite?

I seem to recall about a dozen 90s movies where the villain looked, dressed and sounded like this guy.

That's a ballsy reply

I sense the plot of a Benjamin Buttons porn spoof

I can't do that. It'll burn!
Oh, you said presses

Who needed drugs when you had an onion on your belt!

That's aught

Jesus even the D.E.N.N.I.S method doesn't involve telling kids about the "implication"

I never got why people liked this show. I remember coworkers talking about it like it was must see TV or something, though I don't recall them specifically liking Trump.

Not pictured—matching size 54 denim jorts

Not NYC in the fall?

Guns N Hoses

^ Yes! I'd love to see a show with the same acting talent but characters more relatable. Have them be state university grads living in Cincinnati or Denver. They can still have affairs and fuck up their lives in flyover country.

I thought for sure the bow and arrow stuff was going to lead to some sort of carnage. And I at least give the writers credit for not being so predictable. Especially considering how much property damage they seemed to enjoy having the characters inflict (multiple broken windows/doors, fire, car in pool)

Yeah without Fred Savage I probably wouldn't have watched any of this beyond episode 2.

The music drew me in and while I did wind up completing the series, I don't feel good about it.
Season 2? No thanks.

I wouldn't want to be the porn actor John Hard for the next 6 months

Yeah there was something about that scene where he's yelling in traffic, then pulls over and just jumps off a bridge into a dirty NJ river that's so…I don't know. I feel like a lot of earlier movies and TV shows almost glorified those kinds of suicides and this made it just look so sad and undramatic.