Super Nintendo Chalmers

Rob Schneider?

I'm two episodes in and I'm enjoying it. Is it as good as Breaking Bad or Mad Men? No, but still an enjoyable summer watch. Also being from Missouri it's fun seeing your childhood weekend getaway place for water skiing, go carts and mini golf as the setting of a crime drama.

I was hoping his death was all a big fac-ade (rhymes with shade)

Other than Savages performance I'm not impressed with this show, but I've already watched the first 6, I'm leaving work early today and it's 102 degrees outside. Sooo..I guess I'll just go home and finish the season (and likely series) for completism's sake.

Anyway the pee blows

The only way to fix a place named that is to burn it down after locking the doors with all owners and patrons inside.

I remember our Kindergarten class taking a field trip to Sambos. Yes 5 yr olds touring the kitchen of a chain restaurant best known for it's racist mascot.
That pretty much sums up the educational system in my home town.

I like the Herbie Hamhock special.

A couple weeks ago I passed a place called Great Location Bar and Grill and the name just unnerved me for some reason.

I'm voting for Glass Vial

Yes bask in your ignorance. It's a horrible sappy song that was played at weddings for the dance with the father of the bride circa 1998-2003

The peeing Calvin sticker really should replace the elephant as the GOP symbol in the age of Trump.

Is Luther Vandross "Here and Now" still the song played just when everyone starts eating?

Add "Butterfly Kisses" to that list.

Yeah I could see Jack Nicholson' s character in "About Schmidt" being very opinionated on that song.

Wishes is genie's name. How do you think he's getting more?

The Trump-Kushner wedding was quite an influencer of this poll.

That's one way to top pre teen sewer gang bang. Infant prison rape!

Stillson, that's right. Yeah that part with the t-shirt was darkly funny.

We need an Andy Dufresne origin story