Super Nintendo Chalmers

Yeah you can bet the asshole older kids in Stand By Me attended Trump rallies

Greg Stillman, the bible salesman who later became the evil Congressman in The Dead Zone also kicked a dog to death. I loved that book but could have done without that.

That doesn't make any cents!

I was just out of college and managing a movie theater. Which meant I pretty much only worked nights. On that particular morning I decided to actually do something instead of sleep till noon and then waste time until I had to go into work at 3. So I went for a nice long run, and when so got home and turned on the TV I

You can see Detroit in Chicago?
Damn, must be a really clear day at the top of the Sears Tower

I don't know about dragons, but we need liberal voters to show up even when there aren't unicorns on the ballot.

According to FOX News she must be President now since they are still blaming everything on her.

Fuck yeah!
Fall is so much more egalitarian than summer. Think about it. In the summer if you don't have a swimming pool or lake house this season is just sweating balls when you're outside and freezing at your office job when you're inside.
A 70 degree weekend when you can walk in the park, watch football on TV, visit

The Lake of the Ozarks is a little different. Mostly assholes from the burbs of St. Louis and Kansas City with speedboats.

Lake of the Ozarks—- it's like the Hamptons, but the rich douchebags there are only Midwest rich.

Frozen in liquor to take to Party Cove, yeah


No way. They ALWAYS liked Tom Allen, even back in his days on "Home Improving"

They wouldn't have suffocated if they breathed through their mouths

But she hates to see him (or any man) doing splits!

Why would a Trump brand suicide be any more successful than their airline, university, casino, steaks, etc, etc?

It always amazed me that the same people who wrote off Bush drinkin and cokin it up in his 30s thought Obama working as a community organizer in his 20s was a joke.

Don't worry, these pun threads go for awhile andropov

If he's missing deals I'm sure Daddy will share his meal deal from KFC. But for dessert only Daddy gets 2 scoops!

No Stalin on startin a pun thread I see