Super Nintendo Chalmers

"Food it in a pizza" never fails to make me laugh

Well it's vegetarian chili so it's sorta healthy right?

Yeah it was an awesome show. Have fun!

Yeah I'm in my early 40s and when I'm driving for Lyft on the weekends even the 20 somethings here don't tend to go to clubs. They usually go to dive bars, sports bars or live music venues. Maybe it's different in NYC and LA as those clubs are actually exclusive and there's some sort of thrill at being one of the

I saq Queen in KC last week. On a Sunday night and, yup, took the next day off. Part of the reason is that I live in St. Louis and had to drive 4 hours home the next day. But even if they were down the street I probably wouldn't have worked the morning after.

The above ground pool business frowns on that?

"Biden High" was also right there

From my cold sticky hands!

I can honestly say it's the best movie movie there is in my opinion. Not film, not groundbreaking masterpiece, but just solid enjoyable movie through and through.

Fucks or cigarettes. Which did that movie have more of is the question

How many fucks must a man walk down before you can call him a man?

Well if you know a better way to hear that sweet Laurel Canyon sound I'd like to hear it.

I miss the days when Republican Senators were nerds. Give me back Pete Domenici, Charles Percy, and John Danforth. Remember those guys? Of course you don't. They were nerds!

I read a right wing Facebook page comments on this (I know, glutton for punishment). Talk about confused. They hate her, but love that she is a Republican. And they hate California, but say she is the best you can hope for out there.

Fred Brandy aka Gopher from Love Boat was a congressman for 8 yrs or so. About 15 yrs ago ai dated a girl whose dad grew up with him in Iowa. They were still friends.

George Murphy was a song and dance man from the 30s and 40s that served a couple of terms in the US Senate.

He worked for Mad Magazine

He probably won't tell you. He wants it to be a cliffhanger

You don't think it could win an Oscar?

Good move, that would have been over the top