Super Nintendo Chalmers

Good to see you know the lingo of those who smoke the jazz cigarettes

I think he needs a 95% tax rate

The "one true love" thing is horseshit.

You know it's possible to recognize Clinton made huge mistakes as a candidate AND bemoan the lack of the same participation rates of our left leaning citizenry that right wingers have. Both things were responsible for this Cheeto POS becoming President.

Yeah as much as everyone wants to blame the millennials there were plenty of gray hairs protesting with that idiot Jill Stein outside the debate here last fall. People who were far past elementary school in 2000.

And how has checking out worked out for them?

Well thanks to their lack of perspective we're going to find out how much harder one side can fuck the 99%!

If Bernie polled better than Hillary among POC where it counts—the polls!—he would have won the nomination. Easily.

It's a shame we actually have some respect for them isn't it.

—The AV Club

Curiously almost none of those cards were sold in the state of West Virginia

But without greeting card writers the unemployment rate in sitcom/ romcom land will skyrocket!

He knows the best words!

At least he didn't cross out the "and friend" part.

Notice it's only one scoop

The throne is designed to automatically take your preferred method of payment as soon as you sit down.

Tanner '88!

I love how they blamed Hillary Clinton for their health care woes the other day.
Hey numbnuts. There's a reason that for decades the bumper stickers have said "Don't Blame Me I Voted For Fill in The Blank Losing Candidate". You win and it's yours! Dickheads want it both ways now!

Didn't those soothsayers The New Radicals tell us someday we'd know whatever happened to her?

Working a sad half chub
—The AV Club