Super Nintendo Chalmers

He died as he lived—masturbating in public

Too old for Trump now.

Or what about goddamn avocados. From hard as a rock to mushy green mess in 45 minutes

And for dessert— a slice of cake from the reign of King Edward VIII

Only liberal elitists eat….wraps

Are you going to eat it?

Best wishes to her. Thankfully oncology is leaps and bounds ahead of where it was 3 decades ago when a much smaller tumor was the beginning of the end for my dad.

He's more pig anus than man now

And as dumb as Trump is you know deep down he agrees.

If they thought Trump was the answer to their frustration at putting in more hours, working second jobs, etc and not getting ahead it's clear the overused term "work smarter not harder" applies to them.

Now for some good news. I was in my very conservative Trump voting hometown for the 4th of July. During the Dubya years I remember the local GOP having a float that said something along the lines of "We support President Bush"—even during non election years. This year, no Republican float or mention of Trump at all.

And the Cubs!

As soon as he's gone from office and no longer fucking up our lives you'll get your wish.

Yeah but at least he wasn't a (gulp) community organizer!

I'll wait for the Baby Driver /Admiral Baby mashup

Ah, Manhattantown, an agreeable place for a knickerbocker such as myself

Or when Ike called the cast of Gunsmoke "fake cowboy pussies"

"Pulled inside out"
So it's a preview of what it does to your colon?

He's gonna need a bigger Men in Black style mind eraser. Like cannon sized

"Hail to the Chimp" is already taken, and refers to a more noble and articulate Commander in Chief who threw far less feces.