Super Nintendo Chalmers

I'm gonna rum away from this pun thread

Was it? I guess it just never made it to small town Missouri. Kinda like advanced medicine

And was it "Whoomp, There it is" or "Woot, There it is", or both for some unknown reason?

Twenty bucks, weed, Wu Tang.

It's odd that while "sex" was never really used as a verb, sext is now. Young MC was nonsencical then, now seems prolific.

At least he doesn't think you're a thief. He made it clear everything you have is yours and NOT stolen.

*Flips et11robot blurry middle finger while hanging from bridge*

I prefer blondes, but I like his style
-Donald J Trump

No one hearts them

And Huckleberry Hound

Dana Loesch got her start here as a Mommy blogger and then was discovered by local talk radio. I happened upon one of her Tea Party rallies a few years ago. She's an awful person but man do the right wingers love beating off to her. My only hope now is a lot of them will consider it extra patriotic to fap to her with

These are the losers at the end of the bar normal people avoid eye contact with. You know, the ones who complain all day about hpw lazy "those people " are but have been holding up the barstool all afternoon on a Wednesday

What do you call your incontinent grandfather?

It was then that I circle jerked you

Trump's cultist sycophants would just say "see, that's just how good a dealmaker he is"
They'll still hate Obama.

The only thing on my bucket list is to watch The Bucket List

I think about this a lot, as my dad had colon cancer and died almost a year after being diagnosed.y sister died in a boating accident and her death was immediate and painless. Both died way too young (my dad was 53, my sister 40)

They're just doing their jobs, Sham(e on) u!

*Monocle falls into brandy snifter*

Fast & Furious reboot
Slow & Steady Wins The Race