Super Nintendo Chalmers

The bottles of Corona are more fleshed out characters

If only there were some group, with initials in it's title, that could really encapsulate this headline. Hmm

His moustache got half of it. You got your five cents worth on that ride

1996 Clooney Ceasar

True, and don't forget that since 50 Shades of Gray was popular among some women they shouldn't be offended by brags of sexual assault

Trump supporter—"He does what he says"
Me—"He said he grabs pussies"
Trump Suporter: "He didn't do that"

President card read good

Yep, leave it to Trump to ruin something I didn't like in the first place.


Or what Kim Davis calls "the fine China"

But in their last issue I couldn't find Norman Mailer's latest claptrap about his waning libido.

Sorry, you're not going to get me to not miss B.O.

Why does Queens, the largest of the borougjs, not simply eat the other four?

Yeah but who is the Douche, I mean Duke of Staten Island?

Great username/comment synergy

So just how small and deformed is this guy's dick?

Not Donald Trump, he won the National Spelling Bee according to that TIME magazine

No Bea Arthur?

Do you think you have what it takes?
In other words, how much of you is pig anus?

Yeah, Nathan I haven't seen before