Super Nintendo Chalmers

I'd take a chance and grind you up and blend you with rendered bovine carcass, but that's just me.

Had to avoid Vietnam somehow

—The AV Club

Not the library

A giant partying robot, yes

"Yacht Grandpas" coming this fall!

That's just our President

1. Don't rape
2. Seriously never fucking rape
3. ???
4. Profit!

"Shitty country singers"
Of course that would be the common thread. Shitty country music is a mainstay of the shitty exurban voters that gave us Trump.

So Trump's taxes are going up to 70%? Woo hoo!

No shit! Trump supporters can't defend him without bringing her up. i

Is Drumpf heralding that industry now too?

I thought they were self cleaning like an oven

Suggestion noted

You're not kidding me, that's a furry you.brought in for a threesome.

I'd be afraid to live in a house where they filmed a rom com. I might be posessed to stop a wedding at the last minute or commandeer a cop car to the airport.

Hey unless it's a ticket of Bernie Sanders and a pot smoking unicorn the Democrats are just the same , maaan.

She has done some good things, and she led the Democrats to a rousing House victory—in 2006. It's time for new blood in that role.

When I saw the one guy down the hall that looks like a fatter, sweatier Brian Dennehy rush into there I knew I needed to go down at least two flights to take a piss.

The bathroom on my floor is not only small it's terribly insulated for sound or smell. Plus it seems we have another dozen or so guys working up here in the last month. At any time you walk in the hallway and the door opens you more often than not hear sounds akin to a grain silo being emptied and a smell like death.