Super Nintendo Chalmers

As long as we don't end up on that horrible Planet of the Apes

Some might be into women later, when the women buy them, take them home, draw a bath, light some candles.

I know, it used to be about poorly pixilated porn you finished jerking off to after seeing the first blurry nipple.

Wait, the song is called Solsbury Hill??
I always thought it was Salisbury like the steak. Geez, I wonder what else I've been wrong about my whole life?
*Stares off into the distance thoughtfully,
Gets hit in the nuts with a football*

"Vlast Man Standing""

"Seemed genuinely angry"
He's a 60 something yr old Trump supporter. They tend to be angry by nature.

Godfather 3 is probably his favorite. You know, because of the incest


Nah I don't even think I'd hate fuck her. Gotta have SOME standards

William Henry Harrison

What?? You didn't find "American Carol" to be a knee slappin laugh riot?

His career did

Agree on Hozier and 21 Pilots. Also the song with the Munsters theme. Whoever did that blows

I'm going with Blue October. That whiny fuck's voice makes milk curdle

I went to a wedding at one several years back, the bride and groom were both African American. Apparently it was only used as a plantation for a few years and the owners of the event space didn't advertise it as a former plantation. It still seemed a little odd.

Na na na na na na na na na na LEADER

You all are ripping on this idea but I'll have you know this guy got an A+ in his Female Anatomy class—taught by Professor Todd Akin

Is there a hole so you can piss out of Dear Leader's mouth?

His webby feet have got no rhythm

Well snow capped mountain peaks are also 400 miles away from Iowa but they somehow made it in to the movie.