Super Nintendo Chalmers

When it comes to eating pie I think Trump has another one of his offspring in mind.

It is for charity

After the butter has been spread I need a few minutes before masticating again

Huckabee Humor—Perfect for those who think Branson has gotten too edgy and PC

OK, fine, erect it. I just need somewhere to churn my butter

That apology will be with the eagles flying higher and higher

Shaving Christmas

Don't tell Pence that was a thing. He'll have it shocked out of our memories

Too bad Warren Burger closed down

Between there and Lake Bell

I have to pay him at some point. When would you suggest I do so?

Swing by Aubrey Plaza for some coffee

If I have time I take the Bryan Ferry

It really ties the river together

That's why I take the Todd Bridges

Harder to lose weight as we age? No wonder my MILF BBW porn site has paid off handsomely.

Git R Done!

Sure he inherited billions but I can't believe he even bothers to be Batman considering he had to pay the death tax on that fortune.

Don't forget the LBJ Library where you can read transcripts of his Hagar slacks order where he discusses the finer points of nutsack to bunghole ratio in men's pants

I just set the apartment ablaze and let the firemen wash it for me.