Super Nintendo Chalmers

I think I saw that ripoff of Nighthawks before I saw the actual Edward Hopper piece. What an abomination that was.

Mike Huckabee

Trump brand Nuts & Gum

Most Trump supporters hate

Our Fucking Insecure Toddler in Chief

Every obit will read "Preceded in death by his/her career"

If only Krusty were real he'd fit right in

How many witnesses will be jazz playing grandpas?

Yeah like they won't find a way to still funnel that money to a Trump property

Yeah losing 600 or so pounds should do it
275 of Trump
275 Bannon
50 J Kush

For one more night

Yes, but Johnson got a lot of the disaffected liberal vote too.

Good thing I'm leaving STL tomorrow for Florida!

Follow that up with half of "Rock Star" and I'd sell out my whole family

Son Volt and Pokey LaFarge are pretty cool.

That was….smooth

This is happening less than a mile from my house, at the Off Broadway, a venue that I love,

Trump is hiding at the top of the Arch?
Nah, his fat ass wouldn't fit in one of those egg elevators

Conservatives can only seem to find humor in Rachel Maddow on her appearance. Which is odd, because she is an attractive person. Just not their kind of "attractive". Oh, and she has a brain too, which their not used to from FOX News pretty faces.

Funny how Joe Biden never needed a safe space from The Onion.