Super Nintendo Chalmers

Yeah, and I remember some saying it was OK for liberals to "vote their conscience" because a good chunk of Republicans were going to vote for Johnson. Stupid, stupid stupid! The right ALWAYS rallies to the GOP. They did in 2000 with Bush, ignoring Pat Buchanan who got a fraction of the votes as a third party

As annoyed as I am with the millennials who couldn't be bothered to vote last November or went for Stein they were in grade school in 2000. Though they still should have been aware of what happened then. But I seriously have no use for those my age who lived through Bush v Gore and STILL didn't see the importance of

Actually hearing "Trump" and "Paris pullout" just makes me wonder if DJT ever boinked Paris Hilton because she looks kind of like a more dead eyed Ivanka

Sure, I mean he died of black lung in 1992 and there's a WalMart where the mine was but.. Sure…

Because your pappy and grandpappy didn't do em

Clean air and water is for cucks and beta males

Can I haz Convfeve?!

Those are dog porn accounts

Also, don't allow the band W.A.S.P. into your vagina

"Life" will be directed by Nancy Meyers

I have to admit I laughed my ass off at Louis CK's bit on beheading from his last standup.

I know it was released in 97 but I didn't discover OK Computer until the summer of 98 and I have to say it totally defined those three months for me. I was done with college, working 2 part time jobs, living in a shitty apartment with my then girlfriend. I can't tell you how many times that summer I heard "Let Down"

If by "it" you mean suffering a stroke, yes.

Hiring Richard Pryor as his human toy?

Well we all know how concerned he was for Sasha and Malia Obama when Ted Nugent threatened to blow their dad's head off.

If they're both into it it's none of my business

I hope he grows up to be a brilliant gay scientist committed to both combating climate change and his Mexican husband.

Does this mean he'll reissue 8 Mile in Laser Disc form?

You've got those record execs Shakin!

This header picture looks like it came from that Dominuntrix movie I dreamed.