Super Nintendo Chalmers

If you're tired of puns you convent here

Perfectly cromulent

Does it rhyme with Cochise?

Count me in Team Final Scene was a Flashback

Those tender infant stem cells might help. Give em up!

I hope she has a complete recovery. She was my first crush, and we share the same birthday

I sesame seed what you did there

Yeah but unless the liberals completely endorse Trump they're just as bad as Griffin is

Remember when we stalked Anderson Cooper because we thought he dug up our garden?

It's the grift that keeps on grifting!

I totally agree with you. And I feel no loyalty to Uber. Just pointing out how this particular shitstain corporate board is seen as so much more evil than other shitstain corporate boards to the point where those who normally champion the little guy are cheering for the company to go under.

I don't want to see people lose their source of income no matter how dickish the CEO is

People on here are actively hoping for the company to fail based on the behavior of it's upper level management. It's a piling on of this company that's unusual in my opinion.

Sure the guy is a major douche, but so are a lot of CEOs

I drive for Uber on the side for extra cash. I've gotten a lot of compliments for how well I know my city abd I've driven people with pets who were turned down by our city's for shit cab company to the vet. That being said I didn't realize until reading this newswire and the comments that I am the worst possible

I was in a Radio Shack last in March when I had to be in Central Illinois for a meeting and realized I didn't bring earbuds. I paid 12 bucks for them from a spaced out clerk who was shocked I actually walked in.
Yesterday those damn buds angered me for the last time constantly getting tangled and in a fit of rage I

He was telling Lamont Skywalker he would stick his face in dough and make Gorilla Wookies

With her cleavage?

He's just pulling our strings

Never heard of it