Super Nintendo Chalmers

2 things
First, I'm absolutely mesmerized any time Carrie Coon is on screen
Second, the IRS guy looks like Frank Grimes came to life.

Trump probably saw an Ambassadorship as a good way to score with the lady guard from Elton John's "Nikita" video.

Wind, so you can do it al fresco

I think that plays out on a smaller level too. For example my home county was always conservative, but in the last 20 years has become more exurban with a lot of McMansions built by those moving from the inner suburbs. These folks are wildly conservative

A history of debt issues

Yeah from what I understand Quist was pushed by the Bernie folks.
They were buoyed by Sanders beating Clinton last year in a caucus—that a few thousand people participated in.
Nominate a Jon Tester type and he can win in your state

Sure, this guy is sort of evil. But Republicans need to take it to the next level. Is there someone out there they could run who pushed a kid put of the way to get on a lifeboat ala Billy Zane in Titanic?

So the Republicans are going to refuse to swear him in?
Because last I heard Paul Jellyfish Ryan said he would be seated.

So has anyone mentioned that the voleyball scene in the original is gayer than a Provincetown Sunday brunch?
Oh, everybody did?
OK, then carry on

It was especially disturbing when Howie Mandel did his "Bobby" bit that way.

Whatever rodent that's on his head normally can't be found in desert climates

I drive for Uber part time and we just got Lyft here. Considering signing up with them too.

Circle of life

That's why I only gave you a 4 star rating, jerk!

Can we deturd 250 lbs out of the White House?

Did you say making fuck?

Two years till I outlive JFK!

That's what Trump said!

Not anymore, high five!

He only tells Trump he's PWR
He actually thinks he's weak, a road apple