Super Nintendo Chalmers

He'll probably get off pretty easy.
When it comes to criminal justice there is a vas defefens in how you and I are treated compared to the rich and powerful

Is Trump actually going on this trip?
I keep thinking in the end he's gonna lock himself in his room at Mar A Lago, sobbing "me no wanna go" while digging into his beautiful chocolate cake

Trump's appearance only confirms it.

Riyadh Solo Cup

"Fondling the flagpole boners"

Or Trump will after he's impeached

It'll be anything but Fab

You forgot Accomplished Pussy. Grabber and All Time Winner of Most Unfairly Treated Politician in the History of Mankind Award
*Runners up JFK, Abe Lincoln, Nelson Mandela, Julius Ceasar, etc, etc*

He's a Grade A prick fascist so, yeah, it's all fair game till he shuts us down.

My guess is a good chunk of Trump voters thought electing him would keep people like Lamar from being represented in the Capitol.

Exactly. My grandfather killed himself via gun in the 1950s, 20 years before I was born.
Whenever someone tries to tell me how much I "need" a gun I tell them his story, and that I'm not ashamed to admit there have been times I was so down the lack of easy access to a gun at the time was the biggest reason I'm still

Funerale with cheese!

McDonald's Playland: Now with caskets!

Annd, when might this be happening?
*Slicks back hair, straightens tie*

*Pete Yorn cries in corner*

Yelp could use an international airport

She was also in the best Dick!

Yeah at this point the worry is if someone was hanging around him all day that looked like a younger version of Ivanka

Fantastic episode. Aziz's parents are a treasure. But seriously after I went to a similar BBQ festival last year there was no way I even wanted to think about eating that night. Much less anything "crispy pork"

I liked The Big One at the time, though I can't remember if it even had a focus.