Super Nintendo Chalmers

You're asking The AV Club a question about vaginas?

Has there been a porno yet called "Ken Boned Chewbacca Mom"?

Nerdage is the Harlem Globetrotters to Gettin Some's Washington Generals every time.

Somewhat off topic: movies are a terrible first date activity

From FOX News to the Trump White House.

I Arkansas what you did there

Truth to power? Sounds too close to Fight the Power.
Can we de-NWA it a bit and AC/DC it up for our target audience ?

If you're so concerned with genteel dialogue maybe you should start with your President before, you know, berating strangers on a pop culture site.

"Meanest and most insular"

Peak reboot will be when "Still The Beaver", the 80s reboot of "Leave it to Beaver" gets it's own reboot.

Democrats aren't perfect but NONE of them have said I shouldn't have gotten Social Security survivor's benefits—which kept my family afloat— after my dad died when I was 13. Paul Ryan did. And he got the damn benefits himself at that age!

I saw this joke earlier today
Headline: "Trump Shits on Table at Starbucks"
Republican: "That's fake news!"

Didn't Mark Harmon play Bundy in the late 80s early 90s?

*Flushes toilet*

I just eat the avocado whole, pit and all.

I believe Trump also said he "only" got a million from his dad to start his first business.

364 days a year I can't publicly masturbate in a Long John Silver's, I'm damn sure gonna make up for it.

This fall on NBC:
"Purge Adjacent"

How about an actual Tinfoil Hat?