Super Nintendo Chalmers

Tbe discovery of a suicide note that ends "see you l8er boi" would clear some things up.

2 things I'm going to miss about this show.


Oh yeah, Ralphie's mom and teacher would probably be cast as smug social justice warriors and gun control activists.
And the kid whose tongue stuck to the flagpole would be denied healthcare as triple dog dares are a preexisting condition

Meanwhile FOX News plans a live "War on Christmas Story"

Fun Fact: A brand new cardboard cutout of Steve Bannon somehow smells like cut rate whiskey, stale piss and rotting death teeth

Grenade pins

So Exodus, Numbers, and 2 Chronicles?

So League City Chalmers shouldn't happen?

the band Creed

Challenge accepted!

I just call Lubetown!

Make me
*Blows saxaphone*

Mike Huckabee's daughter: "No, I'm not my dad in drag, why do you ask?"

Or if the Democrats don't nominate an actual unicorn and the Sanders voters stay home because they aren't sufficiently "inspired"

And then I'd like to see him Czeched. As in run out of the country on a rail and he has to move in with Melania's mom in Prague

Sounds NSFW

We're one eighth of the way to Trump/Pence/Ryan/Ivanka being defeated at the polls.


Mr. Bill did it live?