Super Nintendo Chalmers

Also minority voters broke heavily for Clinton in the primaries.
Whatever "angry white vote" Bernie could have peeled off from Trump (and honestly I think his appeal to MAGA types is overstated—they wanted Full On Crazy D.C. Outsider, not the Target brand) would have been negated by lower minority turnout.

Yeah, If 80,000 votes had switched in PA , MI and WI all of these tactics would be hailed as "brilliant"

Do you feel better, now that the Pressure is off?

I'm really seasonal with a lot of my music and for whatever reason early October sees me break out the old Joel. Miami 2017, Captain Jack, Say Goodbye to Hollywood, Scenes From an Italian Restaurant—all great to hear on a sunny 75 degree day.

Hey I landed on a couch way nicer than mine so no complaints

Stay out of my territory!
-Martin Scorsese

What about, and stick with me here, when they show anti-war protests cue up The Byrds "Turn, Turn, Turn" while showing a girl in a hippy dress slowly turning in a circle.

They were probably tired after the drive in from Piladelpia

In the 80s and 90s all the pamphlets the Lutheran church put out showing how cool they were were printed in 1970.

These also double as uniforms for Allen Wrench, the mascot for the Allentown Wrenches, a triple AAA ball team in Pennsylvania that I made up for the purpose of this comment.

Because coal miners are mostly white men, duh

When I'm having a bad day I like to imagine Sean Hannity tumbling down a mountainside.

I want him to live long enough to see his properties destroyed

We have the most beautiful apocalypse chocolate cake

There's always money in the Facebook banana stand

Too Coon!
Actually there's no such thing as too much Coon, she's awesome

I might have Hep C just from looking at that picture

I have my "Glass, grass or ass" bumperstickers ready

You're a day late comrade.

Taxes? Pfft, I did those over a year ago.