Super Nintendo Chalmers

I buy them in bulk

Yes. He especially likes the pants that accentuate his frontbutt

Wow that's a real meeting of the minds there.

Not even sweet sweet cocaine?

Ah, the white t-shirt and blazer look favored by Hollywood douchebags circa 1993-1996

Well Trump had Sarah Palin, Kid Rock and Ted Nugent visit the White House too so even with fewer NFL players the number of brain damaged guests to the WH was probably the same.

I would, but I gotta run to the store. I'm out of Maples syrup

But Trump insisted he was a "good person"

You're in the No Chin Zone!

If she "doesn't want anyone's help" she should refund us the tax dollars we are spending to keep her in this lifestyle by choice

"They didn't liver near Central Park"

Isn't Indiana where Roseanne was supposed to take place?

In Planes Trains and Automobiles the Greyhound bus Steve Martin and John Candy are traveling in is seen going over the Eads Bridge from Illinois into St. Louis, however the story line has them traveling into the city from the west (Kansas)

If he was in charge of synergy and collaboration too he'd be running the place.

Also, George Constanza's parents house in Queens reminded me of a lot of the homes I've seen there.

With the exception of Sarah Silverman's the NYC apartments the comedians cram into on HBO's "Crashing" all look like realistic shitholes. The one even had a bathtub in the kitchen.

The exterior for the Overlook is on Mt. Hood in Oregon. Inside it looks nothing like the interior they filmed for the movie.

That he will be shitcanned right on the heels of a ringing Trump endorsement is the sweetest plum!

And they're hot!

Even as Payback that's unacceptable behavior