Super Nintendo Chalmers

Considering I spent many a summer nights as a teenager listening to my Police Greatest Hits cassette and reading The Dead Zone (among other King paperbacks) I agree they go together like burgers and fries

I read this headline as "Martin Short's role in Spiderman: Homecoming is Suitably Nerdy"

When he got to hell I hope he told em Itchy sent him!

Plus an untidy apartment can easily be converted to a free range ranch!

Who has time for puns
Especially if you have a family, man.

Still $.05?

Lust after his own daughter

I'm sure the kid could get his hat back if his parents became paying members at Mar A Lago

Along with every other aspect of being President, yes

The hat thing seems like something Krusty the Clown would do

I took it twice, got a D both times

A pun thread huh? I guess someone vlad to do it

Yep, he pulled a boner there!

If you actually shit on Bannon he would look healthier

Who was the guy in RoboCop who was covered in acid and disintegrated when he got hit by a car?
Bannon looks like him, but fatter.

In mid January when I'm scraping ice off my windshield I'd gladly trade it for living next door to an alligator


More of an Albany thing

I'm outta here, these pun threads are tomb much.

No love for Aunt Beru?
That's cold