Super Nintendo Chalmers

Last time I was in NYC I stopped by that intersection to snap a photo but didn't make it up to where Monk's Diner was. I think my Seinfeld fan priorities were outta wack there

She doesn't want to be typecast

Barba Fett

Pour out some donkey sauce for your homie

Yeah, you gotta do it while it's Sonny out

Maybe if I had Mo' Green I could afford the trip

You'll love my mashup "Citizen Godfather"

I'm a Fredo can't make this festival

"The many roles they serve"

Or kidnap a baby

Is that where we turn to stone?

I think that was already the gay porn parody

"How I Met Your Mortician"

If it's gonna be that kind of party I'm gonna order robot delivery mashed potatoes!

So…Friday night in other words

Just go to Hooterbots
They wear them year round there

Oh you're the big wig at the cracker factory?

Ventura served a few years as mayor of a small town outside Minneapolis so, while it was a bit silly to have a former wrestler as Governor he at least had some governmental experience

That would be fine and all but I'd much rather have one of the sitting GOP Senators or Congressfolk do so. Ben Sasse I'm lookin at you

It would have been moot last year if Ted Cruz won the Republican nomination. Of course no one likes him and he looks like a serial killer trying to blend in at a nursing school social but if he were able to win the nomination his being born in Canada wouldn't have mean a damn thing to Republicans hell bent on beating