Super Nintendo Chalmers

Yeah but we gotta trick the "heartland" voters somehow. Obviously a POTUS with a vagina is a bridge too far

Somewhere in Trump Tower an Eastern European accented voice was heard to say "please, please"

It's not like Darrell Hammond is doing anything

Meanwhile we have President Front Butt Golf Pants, sigh.

It did get the attention of a certain female though—the ER doctor who had to treat your 2nd degree burns.

Yeah keep in mind, Chris Christie was there

Better than "disturbing"—which is how to describe the person or persons who are fapping to it.

Another pun thread I see, Carrie on

She is from Arkansas, so…her dad or brother most likely.

She kind of looks like what would happen if Mike Huckabee was in drag to play Kelly Clarkson in an SNL skit.

Joe might take a sip or two of the craft beers, but in his heart he's a Natty Lite man. I imagine he'll stock up on the 2x4s for SxSW

To Delaware?

I remember when Dave used to mock Kenny Rogers beard.

One fuck per season? Pretty sure Draper did way more than that.

If he keeps feeding Chris Christie meatloaf there could be a blimp explosion on the White House toilet.

Black Lives Matter, Shillary, Benghazi, Deep State

Tip to tip? Hoe would that even wor…oh, never mind I don't wanna know

They ain't ever gettin older

Chuck Klosterman's on it.

As a resident of Missouri I'm pleased to see Republicans from Illinois being embarrassing today for a change.