Super Nintendo Chalmers

I heard your mom has been well compensated by the beef council on several occasions

I'd lather not

With a black governor and a white butler?

Sounds like someone's out of milk and coffee.

True. The whole "they're all crooks—what does it matter" attitude that caused millions not to vote because Hillary was a (gulp) politician!!

Remember when Bush and Cheney were in the White House and having an administration as good and pure as the one on West Wing was wishful thinking?

Just wait till she needs another pair, you cowboy boot salesmen are so pushy!

You're a Tripp!

I demand satisfaction!

More like Jefferson Bouregard Sessions the TURD , amirite?

This guy represents the area right across the Mississippi River from me. While it takes in East St. Louis and other Democratic voting suburbs it was redistricted in 2011 to include the Northern Kentucky part of Illinois.

"Is my dick hot enough"
You can always put it in the microwave.

These boots were made for barfin…

And now that's where you'll find the majority of those who danced to it on it's original release.

Speaking rather Francly there I see

Artie Lange was a promising director for awhile.
Meaning he promised coke dealers $$ after directing them to his house.

This is what I imagine happening everytime I credential my fluffer!

Trump says he already has one of "those"


Remember when that was the most WTF thing a Republican did on TV?