Super Nintendo Chalmers

The one good thing I can say about Chris Christie is he put that shitbag's dad in jail.

Sure, why should Mike's Hard Lemonade get all the $$ from creepy old guys unaware they're about to meet Chris Hansen?

I tried Naragansett when I was in Massachusetts last summer. Pretty similar to our local cheap beer—Stag.

Perfect! Now I can buy a drink for that cute girl in the club with the Rachel cut dancing to Ace of Base.
Or at least I could if the club wasn't a Cricket wireless/vape shop now.

So Ben Carson, the guy from South Carolina and part of Kanye then.

True, it can serve as fertilizer. Trump spread on a field would be akin to salting it.

Remember when people said a businessman President would get to work instead of constantly politicking?

It took you 20 minutes to come up with that cutting retort?

Yes, but they can be assless

"We loved it"
So do you inbred klan losers all watch it from home or do you meet up somewhere?



Let me guess, he has a big dick too.

What's this about tits?

Yeah when the movie came out I was 16 and just wanted to bone her, but now that I watch it again she can be kind of insufferable. I guess my teenage hormones overlooked that.

Because a frustrating minority of liberals get all pouty when they aren't "inspired" by an Obama or Bernie Sanders. Not everyone can be cool, but some of the uncool are really good at running our country if we give them a chance instead of staying home and letting Trump/Pence win

Actually it will be better under Pence as the GOP will be split if Trump is driven from office. Republicans were unified under Bush/Cheney. With Pence half the party won't give a damn about him and will root for him to lose in 2020

Some of them might be wack a loon "burn it all down" Stein voters, but others are probably Democrats in the same way that anti-marriage county clerk in Kentucky was until last year. Registered to the party decades ago but haven't voted for a Democrat for President for decades

He also referred to Melania as "some of the highest quality there is"—because that's something you'd say about a person and not leather upholstery.

small, spork like pussy grabbing hands