Super Nintendo Chalmers

That sounds like a darker version of Lloyd Dobler's monologue in Say Anything

Not me, that Brady Bunch episode where Jesse James murdered the whole family scared me straight!

Didn't you wonder where all those hobo clothes came from?

Also time to decide
which family photos are going in the trash to make room on the mantel for more Star Wars shit.

Talk about the dark side!

A late September cornstalk with mascara

The Boston Teabag Party

Something something long form

A toilet bowl?

Trump Cabinetry?
Don't tell me that was another of his failed businesses. My guess is they were made of balsam wood or something.

A positive comment about a post 2001 Simpsons?
You monster!

Or the Gold Colonel. Since Trump figures he's the richest.

Puzder Pulled!

He's also a rock. Is igneous material allowed in the Senate?

So what the fuck do you drink when you're with the brats at Toys R Us?

The actual mayor of St. Louis gave a big middle finger to the state of Missourah by officiating 4 same sex weddings in his office before the US Supreme Court overruled our arcane ban on gay marriage. So, props to him for that.

The Central West End and University City are closest to the universities (assuming you are going to Wash U or St. Louis U)
Central West End is getting fairly pricey, but the Grove and other neighborhoods to the south (Shaw, Tower Grove) are fairly accessible, student friendly and affordable.
I like St. Louis. True I

Taste the anti-rainbow!

Only those who know St. Louis newsmen will understand this but Killeen looks like a cleaned up version of columnist Bill McClellan-who is way more mussy haired and loose tied. And probably has more pit stains.

What can we say, he's relatable