Super Nintendo Chalmers

Luckily all this did was drive traffic into Nordstroms. Though Trump's intention was to hurt their sales, which would result in layoffs of American workers. Oh sure, they're just mostly women in urban areas. Which we know aren't nearly as important as 52 yr old coal miners and factory workers in Pennsylvania and

I don't know, I've had a lot to drink

Can you try em out in store?

He's raggin on your cords man!

Well, to a point

They'll get that 29 dollars from my COLD, DEAD HANDS!!
Sorry, wrong Republican actor

Will this mean no one will be gay for him anymore?

Don't worry, he didn't
-Steve Bannon

Get Todd Gack on it.
EDIT: It was Lloyd Braun with the gum. My Seinfeld trivia lacking apparently

They're Ramones songs

Go to the JFK library and museum in Boston instead. 14 bucks. Half the cost for twice the President!

Or your aorta

He seems to have a thing for Robert Pattison. So having him play Melania would really mess with his head.

I've passed Frank and Helen's dozens of times but haven't been. I occasionally like Imo's but there are so many better options for St. Louis style pizza.

I thought the coke did it to Breitbart. I know, it can be two things.

I remember that. Starring Kris Kristofferson, Robert Ulrich, and Christine Lahti.

I saw 15 minutes of that movie when it was on cable. I honestly wanted to give it a chance but it was just so God awful.

There's always money in the bananas movies

At least he never went into the sperm bank business.
"Trump Sperm is the classiest sperm on the market, believe me"

"Could've been better spent"
Yeah like Fred Trump's sperm in 1945!